Celebrate Republic Day in Goa on 26 January 2011
Released on: December 24, 2010, 4:22 am
Lek Boonlert
There are three national holidays in India and one of them has
become so spectacular that it is seen by many people as the greatest
festival on earth. Republic Day is on 26th January and marks the annual
celebration of the Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress at
midnight on December 31, 1929 – January 1, 1930.
Not to be confused with the end of British rule in 1947, which is celebrated on
August 15, Republic Day marks what can be known as the beginning of the end for the
British as nationalists revealed the Indian flag and pledged to keep striving for an
independent India.
India’s full military hardware is out on display for Republic Day, marching past in
all its shiny glory through the centre of the capital, New Delhi, which is the
centre of the action, although the day is honoured elsewhere in the country such as
down south in Goa. Goa hotels will fill up fast with people wanting to enjoy the spectacular parade.
Tribal groups accompany the marchers, bedecked in traditional costumes revealing the
eye-popping range of regional costumes and abundance of tribal traditions, providing
a riot of colour. There are few places in the world that are so ethnically diverse
and this is the day when everyone comes out to show their colours.
It is magnificent. The day ends with an awe-inspiring display from the Indian Air
Force as they fly past pumping out coloured smoke to the delight of the thousands of
Lek Boonlert, marketing head of DirectRooms said: “Indians know how to celebrate in
style and this is one feast for the eyes and the senses that travellers to Goa will
not want to miss.”
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DirectRooms is an independent discount hotel reservations company based in Asia.
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For further information please contact Lek Boonlert:
Tel: + 66 (0)76 241 145
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