Gianni Nannini Plays Rock Spirit in Treviso in May 2011
Released on: April 21, 2011, 2:16 pm
Lek Boonlert
Entertainment reveals that the talents of Italian rock star
and singer Gianni Nannini are set to take to the stage in Treviso later
in May.
The concert is a special one night only performance by the artist before setting off
to play in Firenze and Bolzano. The artist is due to play a number of dates in Italy
and afterwards will be making her way to Switzerland, Austria and Germany.
For the show in Treviso, Nannini will be performing many of the biggest singles from
her career such as the ever so popular ‘Bello e Impossibile’ regarded as one of her
greatest singles and which has also sold the most copies.
The artist first came to the attention of the public with a single called ‘America’
that was released in 1979 and then with the album ‘Puzzle’ which came out in 1984
and entered the top ten across Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
Fans will also be eagerly waiting to hear songs from the million selling ‘Maschi e
Altri’ as well as ‘Grazie’ which was launched in 2006 and since then has gone
platinum a massive seven times. People wanting to attend the concert from a hotel in Treviso Airport should head to the Palaverde di Villorba for 24th May 2011.
Lek Boonlert, marketing head at commented: “As the only chance that
fans can see Nannini in Treviso, tickets are quickly running out. Hotels are likely
to have the same problem with rooms so fans should make an early reservation.”
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Lek Boonlert
+66 (0) 76 241 145
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