MLDEX Market Development Training Program

Released on: July 18, 2011, 11:08 am
Training News
International Trade,
The Market Development Training Program hosted by the
Headquarters of the MLDEX, was held in Melbourne, Australia in the week
of 12-19 June 2011.
This program was designed as a forum for the exchange of best practices in the
development and regulation of capital markets presented through a series of
lectures, roundtables and case studies. Senior experts from different International
Regulatory Agencies and the Capital Markets Board (CMB), as well as speakers from
the region shared their insights on capital market development, enforcement, and
examination of market participants. The Program also explored responses to crises
and market abuses, provided observations comparing and contrasting approaches by
regulatory systems around the world, and highlighted international best practices.
The presenters used real-world examples of market abuse and inefficiencies to
explore the regulatory, statutory, and other tools that capital market regulators
need to address.
Besides CMB representatives, many international exchange representatives and market
professionals attended the event that was also sponsored by MLDEX.
Contact Details: Melbourne Derivatives Exchange
Bourke Place,
Bourke Street 600,
Melbourne, 3000
Victoria, Australia

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