Traditional Teaching Methods Bore Students
Released on: August 24, 2011, 2:46 pm
St Georges
Industry: Education
Earlier this week, a spokesperson from St George International
(SGI) suggested that traditional teaching methods were ineffective. The
representative explained that lessons needed to incorporate more
creativity to keep the attention of the modern student.
Today’s youth tends to lapse into boredom far more easily than earlier generations.
Technological advancements have ensured that everything in the world happens very
quickly. But, these developments have come at a cost – the cost of students who now
expect everything to happen instantly.
The shortened attention span of modern students has resulted in the advancement of“edutainment.” This educational method combines entertainment and education to
create an environment in which the students enjoy studying. Language institutes are
attempting to breakdown the notion that a classroom is a boring place. If teachers
want to maximise development, they must find a means by which to counter this
timewasting boredom.
SGI’s answer to this problem is to take students out of the classroom. In June, SGI
modified its curriculum to include a wide range of activities not normally
associated with education. Instead of sitting in a classroom, students could enjoy a
city tour of London with one of the teachers. Other excursions included a visit to
science museum, a theatre trip and a football match against a rival school was also
organised. The weekend trips to Paris, Belgium, Edinburgh and Amsterdam also offered
students the opportunity to really hone their speaking skills.
The SGI spokesperson explained that “Studying English is so much more than learning
English in the classroom.” Students will only remain interested if they practically
apply what they are studying. Students dislike compulsory foreign language courses
at school, because they battle to see the point in studying them. When students are
encouraged to practise a language in a normal social environment, they immediately
want to learn more.
The SGI spokesperson explained that students were often welcomed with drinks at a
local pub. He said that they wanted to allow students to practice “English in a
relaxed way.” He said that they wanted to separate SGI from the negative
connotations often attributed to schools. Instead of simply being a place of
learning, SGI is also a place where students can travel and meet new friends.
Modern students may have shorter attention spans, but this does not render them
unteachable. Teaching methods need to adapt in order to meet the requirements of
today’s students. St George International shows us that when you sign up for a German course London doesn’t
have to be boring experience.
About SGI FL
Saint George International has considerable experience in providing quality foreign
language courses, at highly competitive prices, to individuals, groups and companies
throughout the UK. St Georges Italian courses allow
students to be immersed in the culture of Italian society, while simultaneously
learning a new language.
Contact Details: 79-80 Margaret Street
United Kingdom
Tel. +44 (0) 20 7299 1700

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