New Survey Finds Teens are Addicted to Their Smartphones

Released on: September 05, 2011, 9:40 am
QueryCLick LTD
A survey conducted by Ofcom has revealed that a number of
teenagers and adults under 30 have admitted that they are addicted to
using their smartphone handsets, which shows that people are becoming
more reliant on telecommunications to stay in touch with the people
that matter, say Just Call.
A new report published by Ofcom has revealed that 60% of teenage smartphone users
admitted that they are “highly” addicted to their mobile phone, compared to 37% of
adults. The survey, which questioned 2,073 adults and 521 children also revealed
that the smarphone is one of the most popular methods of communication in society
today, and people are using it in almost every place or situation, say Just Call.
A spokesperson for Just Call comments: “The
results of this survey by Ofcom are really very interesting, because they show just
how often people are choosing to use their mobile phones. Ofcom has revealed that
27% of adults and 47% of teenagers in the UK have a smartphone, and 59% of
smartphone owners received them over the past year. But what's really exciting is
the study found that while 80% of those surveyed have their phone all day, everyday,
47% of those questioned admitted to using their smartphone when they were using the
toilet, which is extraordinary.”
In addition to the increasing use of smartphones in everyday life, with 81% of
smartphone users admitting to making more calls and sending more texts compared to
53% of regular mobile phone users, the survey also identified how technology was
beginning to change the way that people communicated and and spent their free time.
With 30% of teenage respondents stating that they spent less time playing video
games, compared to 23% saying that they didn't watch as much TV as they used to.
The spokesperson at Just Call continues: “The impact of the smartphone has been
considerable over the last few years, and since 2005, they have grown in popularity,
use, style and efficiency, giving them a £3.7 million stake of the mobile phone
market by December 2010. In fact, the survey also found that smartphone users were
much more likely to take personal calls during work hours, and to also engage in
work-related calls when they were at home. While this may sound a little surprising,
the fact that smartphones have become so popular shows that people are looking for
gadgets that can help make everyday lives a little bit easier, and if a phone can
help find a new restaurant or unearth great deals on international calls, then the rise of smartphone use can only be a
good thing.”
About Just Call:
JustCall is a great service that allows you to make cheap calls home instantly from
any fixed phone.
What makes it such a great service is that you are charged for your call by your
current service provider at the rate listed for our access numbers that you use. So,
you can use the service any time you choose without going through registrations or
No registration, no subscriptions, no accounts, no credit cards
No more unwanted daily maintenance charges
No more credit lost by cards going dead
No more unseen rate changes
No more misleading posters offering utopian minutes you never get anyway.
Instead JustCall offers you cheap international calls all day every day.
Contact Just Call:
Just Call/ WaveCrest,
1st Floor,
Bishopsgate Court,
4-12 Norton Folgate,
London E1 6DB.
Enquiries: 0870 801 7800

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