Warwick Building, Home of Chicago's Largest and Highly Recommended Dungeon of Doom Haunted House......Under Paranormal Investigation!

Released on: September 09, 2011, 3:07 pm
Author: PAMagnuson
Dungeon Of Doom Haunted House
Zion, IL 9, September 2011 -
Dungeon of Doom ready to open for it's 15th year on Saturday, September 24th has reported an increased number of unexplained occurrences in the building. That building, The Warwick building is now under investigation by famous psychic Edward Shanahan, Chicago based renowned Paranormal Observer and Psychic Investigator who will come in to the Dungeon of Doom location for a ONE NIGHT ONLY October 1 st, at 1am to determine if the building is "actually" haunted, and if so � who is haunting it. Shanahan will be joined by his team, Prairie State Paranormal and investigate the unusual activity while they broadcast live on Paranormal Tv Network (dot) com. A streaming live special on the popular Internet show "One Foot Out Of The Grave" with Jeff and Nancy Rezman. http://paranormaltvnetwork.com/one_foot_out.html
EVENT: October 1 st 1AM
During this once in a life-time event, at 1AM on 10/01/11 physic Ed Shanahan will be performing his "Circle of Energy" a type of Séances where Ed uses Conscious Channeling to speak to any spirits that maybe present or attracted to the area because of the loss ' of the candy factory location and help them find closure. This event is open to the first 80 people who purchase these special event tickets online, here: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/e/197114 Be right beside Ed and Prairie State Paranormal when they Broadcast live... Bring your own recording equipment, video and photography equipment to record your experiences. Post and share on our facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Dungeon-of-Doom-Haunted-House/255737284460749 or Dungeon of Doom Haunted House YouTube channel.
There have been seven violent deaths associated with the grounds around the Dungeon of Doom area in Zion, IL. This historic location area once the home of the mysterious " Lakeside Candy Company which was closed down in the 60's. There have been seven deaths there since, causing the area to be a highly probable site for paranormal activity.
Built in 1916, the candy factory at 29th Street and Ebenezer Avenue faces Dungeon of Doom' s Warwick Building and shares the parking lot. This is near Lake Michigan and was once at the center of Zion Industries, the economic engine of the religious community founded by John Alexander Dowie a century ago. But, because of the bizarre events, the seventh as recent as a hanging in 2003, the city finely demolished the building in 2004 which is when the unusual occurrences are said to have increased at the Warwick building which houses the Dungeon of Doom haunted house.
It has been suggested that the main disturbance could be caused by the misplaced spirit of Scott Bielech roaming the area. His friend, Geoffrey Leon murdered Bielech, September 1998 and then for no explained reason took the body to the Zion location and burned it along with himself. Now, EXACTLY 13 YEARS LATER, Ed Shanahan will reach out and try to try to contact the spirit who was once victim of this bizarre murder suicide.
Hopefully this evening will put to rest the negative energy surrounding the warehouse grounds and put to rest for many the question; �Why dose this warehouse area attract this type of dark event?� And coincidentally without them knowing, attracted the owners of Dungeon of Doom to create its award winning haunted warehouse attraction facing the property?
Shanahan is a column writer for eXaminer.com Chicago Paranormal and Spiritual, and Chicago Now, a Chicago Internet Information site, and the voice behind Haunted American Tours a GPS iPhone Ap where Ed narrates a tour of the haunted down town Chicagoland area. Ed has been written about in four books, with two published in 2009. Has been in many newspapers, and a guest on radio and TV shows.
DISCLAIMER This is not a hoax. This is a real paranormal investigation - this is not part of the Dungeon of Doom show! Only people who have purchased the special event tickets in advance will be admitted. Important that all Participants arrive to location by 11:59PM and no later to assure you enter the grounds. Police Ordinance: Must only use SHILOH BLVD entrance off Sheridan Rd. ( Sheridan Rd. is also indicated as Rte 137). You must check in at Dungeon of Doom at 11:59PM Friday September 30th to be ready to be part of the live broadcast of the Circle of Energy with Ed at 1AM 10-01/11 October 1st. (numerology fans love this date!)You agree by purchasing a ticket to participate that you will allow your image in video or photograph to be used by Dungeon of Doom and Ed Shanahan for future advertising without compensation.
Paranormal seekers: please contact dungeonofdoomhauntedhouse@yahoo.com to make arrangements to walk on the grounds. This is a gated area and you must have permission to visit the Warwick building.
Tickets sales are limited to 80 participants. Once sold out - that' s it. No exceptions. Tickets are $40 dollars plus ticket agent handling fees. Print at home - you must have ID to check in. This ticket is for the Ed Shanahan event only - it does not allow you access to Dungeon of Doom Haunted House attraction. If you would like to purchase tickets for the attraction please click here: http://www.dungeonofdoom.com/information
2701 Deborah Ave in Zion, Illinois � Smack DEAD in the middle of Milwaukee & Chicago!
Haunted House Hours: Thursdays: 7-10pm, Friday/Saturdays and Columbus Day Sunday: 7pm � until the last body crawls, Sundays: 7pm -10pm, Halloween 7pm � 10:30pm
Buy tickets on-line at http://DUNGEONOFDOOM.com
TICKETS: ON SALE NOW. Buy ONLINE and use the coupon code : PRESS ,for $2 off your purchase, excludes VIP and Ed Shanahan Event ticket. They are only Open 18 Days so reserve your tickets online today.
See you in the DARK�......................................................
REF: The News Sun - Waukegan (IL) June 7, 2001 | A.J. Goldsmith and April 6, 2004 | Long Hwa-shu; Chicago Tribune Chicago (IL) December 18, 2003|By Robert Channick, Special to the Tribune and A Confession Of Murder
Police Release Geoffrey Leon ' s Saturday Diary Entry: `9 A.m.-- Scott Bielech Came Over. Argument Ensued. I Killed Him. '
September 18, 1998|By Phat X. Chiem, Tribune Staff Writer
Press Check
Please contact for exclusive interviews and feature stories
Peter Koklamanis dungeonofdoom@msn.com 262-331-0092
Ed Shanahan edwardlshanahan@comcast.net 313-208-8333
Publicist: PAMagnuson PineManor@WideOpenWest.com 773-307-2128 Office: (847) 870-8787
TICKETS: ON SALE NOW. Buy only ONLINE https://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/197114

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