Elephant.co.uk Reveals Motorists Quickly Forget The Highway Code
Released on: November 24, 2011, 5:39 am
Industry: Financial
Elephant.co.uk, an online car insurance provider and member of
the Admiral Group, has announced new research which reveals how quickly
people forget the Highway Code after having to memorise it for their
driving test.
Since the theory test element of the driving test was introduced in 1996, memorising
the Highway Code has been essential for anyone wanting to lose their L plates.
However, new research suggests the rules of the Highway Code don't stay with
motorists once they pass, with half of those surveyed saying they hardly remember
any of it and only a third saying they have bothered to refer to it since they've
passed their test.
Elephant.co.uk surveyed 3,000 motorists on the Highway Code to see just how
important they think it is to being a good driver and how much they remember. They
also decided to test them on some typical Highway Code questions to find out exactly
how much motorists do remember, with mixed results.
Seventy per cent admitted they only learned the Highway Code to pass their driving
test, and half said they remember none of the Code or just the odd bit of it now.
This could explain why nearly half those questioned don't think they would pass the
driving theory test if they had to sit it today.
When taking a simple test, the 3,000 people surveyed they got the right answer 55
per cent of the time, but some questions proved easier than others. Thankfully 88
per cent knew the speed limit on motorways is still 70mph, but only one in five knew
that drivers should not use their horn between 11.30pm and 7.00am. Other questions
which proved difficult were to name the correct stopping distance at 30mph, only 39
per cent knew it was 23 metres. Finally, only 30 per cent knew that red cat's eyes
mark the left hand side of a road.
In response to the research, elephant.co.uk managing director and car insurance expert Brian Martin said: "The results of our mini test
suggest the Highway Code is something most motorists only read in order to pass
their driving theory test. The results were hit and miss, and it is concerning how
few drivers remember some fairly basic rules of the road."
Regionally, motorists in the West Midlands were the least confident they would pass
their theory test today (63 per cent) compared with those in the South West who were
the most confident (80 per cent). This self confidence from motorists in the South
West could be justified, as they answered the test questions correctly more times
than those in any other region. Most regions scored very similar results for
questions on the Highway Code, around 55 per cent. However those in the South West
scored best with 58 per cent. The worst scoring region was the East Midlands, with
51 per cent.
However, with few motorists remembering much of the Highway Code today,
elephant.co.uk's research did find that a large majority (68 per cent) think it is
important to know it in order to be a good driver. A large section of those
questioned (46 per cent) also think motorists should be retested on the Highway Code
on a regular basis.
About elephant.co.uk:
Elephant.co.uk was launched in August 2000 and has over 485,000 customers.
Elephant.co.uk is a trading name of EUI Limited and is part of the Admiral Group
Elephant.co.uk specialises in providing car insurance on the Internet.
Elephant.co.uk targets 17-35 year-olds living in cities, who traditionally pay
higher premiums for car insurance. Elephant.co.uk has committed to support the Tusk
charity throughout 2011.
Elephant.co.uk writes its motor insurance business to a consortium of insurers,
these being: Admiral Insurance Company Ltd, Admiral Insurance (Gibraltar) Limited
and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) plc.
PR Contact:
James Carnduff
Capital Tower
Greyfriars Road
CF10 3AZ
029 2043 4333

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