CompTIA Testing Centers Moving Exclusively to Pearson VUE Testing Centers

Released on: May 01, 2012, 3:00 pm
Industry: Education, Internet & Online, Computers

Starting July 9, 2012, CompTIA exams will be available only through Pearson VUE and their worldwide network of over 5,000 testing centers. At that time CompTIA certification exams will no longer be at Prometric testing centers.

GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MI, -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Get Certified 4 Less, a provider of IT certification vouchers for students, IT professionals, and corporations alike, is announcing to its customers an upcoming change that will affect the testing exam center options for all CompTIA exams beginning July 9 th , 2012. Starting July 9, 2012, CompTIA exams will be held only with Pearson VUE and their worldwide network of over 5,000 testing centers. At that time CompTIA certification exams will no longer be held at Prometric testing centers.

Pearson VUE has been delivering the CompTIA exam since 2003 along with the Prometric Testing Centers. In order to simplify the overall testing experience, Pearson VUE will now be the exclusive deliver of CompTIA exams. This will provide all test takers with one point of contact for all of their CompTIA certifications.

�May 4 th will be the last day that customers will be able to buy CompTIA vouchers from Prometric, and July 8 th will be the last day to register or test for CompTIA certification at a Prometric Center,� said Danielle Spradlin, Marketing Director at Get Certified 4 Less. She continued, �Starting on July 9 th , all unused vouchers from Prometric that have not expired will have to be scheduled and used through Pearson VUE centers. As of today, customers can already purchase CompTIA exam vouchers for use at Pearson VUE exam centers.�

There are currently over 5,000 Pearson VUE exam centers in more than 165 countries. Several hundred of these testing centers are professionally run, full time centers that have the capacity to distribute hundreds of exams securely.

�All the details of the exam will stay the same,� said Danielle Spradlin. �The exams, the fees, and requirements will all be the same, so upcoming test takers need not worry about making any other last minute adjustments.�

About Get Certified 4 Less: GetCertified4Less was established in 1994 and has since over 50,000 customers save money on their IT certifications. Whether it is a Microsoft certification, Cisco certification, or a CompTIA certification, GetCertified4Less helps you reach your goal for the lowest price possible.

About CompTIA: The CompTIA or Computer Technology Industry Association is a non-profit trade association for the computer industry. By taking this IT certification exam you become a member of the CompTIA and are associated with its other member group.

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