Global Network as a Service Market Size, Status , Growth Opportunity, Key Players (Cisco Systems, Juniper Networks, IBM), Regions(United States ,China, Europe,) Future and Forecast 2025

Albany, US, 2018-Aug-10 — /EPR Network/ —Market Research Hub (MRH) has recently broadcasted a new study to its broad research portfolio, which is as “Network as a Service Market” provides an in-depth analysis of the titled as“Global Network as a Service Market Size, Status and Forecast 2018-2025” with the forecast of market size and growth. The analysis includes addressable market, market by volume, market share by business type and by segment (external and in-house).The research study examines the Network as a Service Market on the basis of a number of criteria, such as the product type, application, and its geographical presence. The whole supply chain of Network as a Service Market as been explained with statistical details with a special emphasis on various upstream and downstream components. The current trends pertaining to the demand, supply, and sales of Network as a Service Market together with the recent developments have been given here to provide an exhaustive picture of this market.

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This report focuses on the global Network as a Service status, future forecast, growth opportunity, key market and key players. The study objectives are to present the Network as a Service development in United States, Europe and China.

Network as a service (NaaS) describes services for network transport connectivity. NaaS involves the optimization of resource allocations by considering network and computing resources as a unified whole. Virtualization technology provides the platform for NaaS, which is related to other cloud services. Services are offered by Cloud Service Providers (CSP) in addition to NaaS include Software as a Service (SaaS), a computing platform for developing or hosting applications, known as Platform as a Service (PaaS); or an entire networking or computing infrastructure, known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Cloud services such as NaaS and Paas are provided by building a large, scaleable infrastructure that can be virtualized so that it can be sold to individual customers.
Since the entire networking infrastructure risk is transferred from enterprises to network as a service (NaaS) vendors, the need for dedicated IT teams is eliminated. The global network as a service market analysis identifies that the growing acceptance of OPEX model will be one of the major factors that will have a positive impact on the growth of the market.
In 2017, the global Network as a Service market size was xx million US$ and it is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of xx% during 2018-2025.

The key players covered in this study
Cisco Systems
Juniper Networks
Aryaka Networks
Alcatel Lucent
Brocade Communications Systems

Market segment by Type, the product can be split into
LAN-as-a-Service (LANaaS)
WAN-as-a-Service (WANaaS)

Market segment by Application, split into
Information Technology (IT) and telecommunication
Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI)
Transport and logistics

Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report covers
United States
Southeast Asia
Central & South America

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Table of Contents

1 Report Overview
1.1 Study Scope
1.2 Key Market Segments
1.3 Players Covered
1.4 Market Analysis by Type
1.4.1 Global Network as a Service Market Size Growth Rate by Type (2013-2025)
1.4.2 LAN-as-a-Service (LANaaS)
1.4.3 WAN-as-a-Service (WANaaS)
1.5 Market by Application
1.5.1 Global Network as a Service Market Share by Application (2013-2025)
1.5.2 Information Technology (IT) and telecommunication
1.5.3 Manufacturing
1.5.4 Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI)
1.5.5 Government
1.5.6 Healthcare
1.5.7 Transport and logistics
1.5.8 Retail
1.5.9 Others
1.6 Study Objectives
1.7 Years Considered

2 Global Growth Trends
2.1 Network as a Service Market Size
2.2 Network as a Service Growth Trends by Regions
2.2.1 Network as a Service Market Size by Regions (2013-2025)
2.2.2 Network as a Service Market Share by Regions (2013-2018)
2.3 Industry Trends
2.3.1 Market Top Trends
2.3.2 Market Drivers
2.3.3 Market Opportunities

3 Market Share by Key Players
3.1 Network as a Service Market Size by Manufacturers
3.1.1 Global Network as a Service Revenue by Manufacturers (2013-2018)
3.1.2 Global Network as a Service Revenue Market Share by Manufacturers (2013-2018)
3.1.3 Global Network as a Service Market Concentration Ratio (CR5 and HHI)
3.2 Network as a Service Key Players Head office and Area Served
3.3 Key Players Network as a Service Product/Solution/Service
3.4 Date of Enter into Network as a Service Market
3.5 Mergers & Acquisitions, Expansion Plans

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