harlequins enigma release lipstick best of dance/pop/techno album from the dance heroine series

harlequins enigma do take credit for being versatile, & think the collection is modern & fresh

Straume, Norway, 2019-Aug-21 — /EPR Network/ — lipstick by harlequins enigma is a long journey in the making. 10 years has past since the beginning till the end of it all. the tracks are varied in 5 genres but is naturally integrated into this modern compilation of dance music. the index is a blast & interesting to listen to from beginning to end, where tracks like echo of the dolphins & the hunt (l’ amour), will stand out for some, & council of the wayward youth to troya kronos would stand out for others. harlequins enigma do take credit for being versatile, & think the collection is modern & fresh. åge riisnes & sara jensen founded harlequins enigma back in 2008, & the band is still active. harlequins enigma’s intention with the music was never to stand on stage, but to release albums, where fans have to download releases digitally. åge’s idea of transforming albums into 1 genre only based albums have come more & more in recent years. this year saw lipstick (dance), raw tangent k (rock), & a diary (classical) in 2019. harlequins enigma also has 4 new summer singles out. be sure to check out harlequins enigma in 2019, they certainly have the material if the fans light the path. lipstick is out via cdbaby.


twitter: @h_enigma

Spotify: Harlequins enigma


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