Saelig Announces the 2/4-channel 100-350Hz Siglent SDS2000X Plus Series Oscilloscopes

New series builds on previous 2000X models to bring 200Mpt memory, 10” touch-screen, external mouse/keyboard control, built-in web server, and 50MHz waveform generator

SDS2000X Plus Oscilloscope Siglent SDS2000X Plus 100-350MHz Oscilloscope Series

Fairport, NY, USA, 2020-Jan-23 — /EPR Network/ — Saelig Company, Inc. has introduced the new Siglent SDS2000X Plus Digital Oscilloscope Series consisting of four models: one 2-channel 100MHz bandwidth (software upgradeable to 350MHz) and three 4-channel models (100/200/350MHz.)  The 350MHz models can be upgraded to 500MHz on two independent channels.  A large 10.1” capacitive touch-screen supports multi-touch gestures.  The oscilloscope range also offers a 10-bit acquisition mode that uses oversampling to achieve higher resolution than most scopes. Combined with the lowest vertical setting of 500μV/div, the X Plus series can display extremely small signal details. The 4-channel models all feature dual 2GSa/s ADCs and also dual 200Mpt memory modules. This enhanced memory depth enables a high sample rate at larger time/div settings. This is valuable when analyzing high frequency content on slowly changing signals by providing the detail needed, regardless of time-base settings.

The SDS2000X Plus uses the versatile user interface of the higher performance SDS5000X series. This includes the capabilities of a 10” touch-screen, and external mouse/keyboard control.

With waveform capture rates of up to 120,000 wfms/sec, the sequence mode boosts the capture rate to 500,000wfm/s to ensure the capture of critical events and rare signal anomalies.   A built-in 50MHz function generator is optionally available together with a free Bode plot function to deliver convenient and low cost frequency analysis.  The LAN port supports easy remote control via a built-in webserver using a web-browser or SCPI remote commands.

The X Plus series also features a Power Analysis option for automatic on-screen performance analysis of common power supply characteristics. Siglent’s optional probes for current and differential voltage measurements make a valuable addition for power design applications.  When developing switch-mode power supplies (SMPS), Bode plots are a convenient way to measure the phase and gain margin of feedback loop systems to determine the stability of the design.  This is now easily performed on the SDS2000X Plus series.

The SDS2000X Plus series of oscilloscopes is made by Siglent Technologies, a leading high quality test equipment manufacturer, with a growing worldwide reputation.  This series is available now from Saelig, their USA technical distributor.

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