December 18, 2012, 3:20 pm -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Train Aid Ltd has recently launched a new range of manual handling courses for businesses within the UK. The company started providing bespoke courses to the business sector last week, which proved very successful, and has subsequently led to the announcement that they will be rolled out to the market place in the New Year. Each year thousands of work days are lost due to people suffering injuries when moving objects. This type of training can help reduce the amount of days lost to injury, and the subsequent down turn in productivity.
Thirty eight per cent of all injuries that can cause a person to miss three days off work can be accredited to manual handling. This has led to over 1 million sufferers, whereby 12 million work days are lost, at an estimated cost of £5.7 billion to the economy. These startling statistics leave huge question marks as to whether or not enough preventive action is being taken.
Train Aid’s new course aims to highlight the risks involved, educate the workforce and reduce the amount of missed work days to business. The aim is to protect the health of employees, but at the same time also safeguard employers against medical based claims. Companies can avoid being held to ransom by individuals if they have provided staff with the appropriate level of training.
This latest announcement coincides with the recruitment of leading Health & Safety expert Joe Peter’s. He has been recruited in to sure up the whole manual handling training department, and was even on hand to give an experts view on the matter:
“I witnessed nearly every type of work injury in my early days as a removal man. Ten
years in the trade also saw me witness a lot of malpractice that sadly cut short the
career of many good workers. When I switched to health & safety I realized the
potential of constructive and thought out training. Many companies have reported
back to me with positive feedback, and an overall downturn in the amount of revenue
lost to injury”.
Contact Details: Train Aid Ltd, 32 Somers Road, Reigate, RH2 9DZ