April 22, 2013, 8:14 am -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Can you believe that a 20 cm worm can house itself in the human eye? But one has to believe one's eyes.
Here is the video clip of a 20 cm long worm being removed from a human eye through surgical procedure. It is the first time ever that such a long worm growing in the eye has been recorded. The video has evoked great interest among medical students as well as the general public.
Dr. Ashley Thomas Mulamoottil, the doctor who recorded this unique surgery says that this is the seventh worm that he has removed in the last one decade and it is also the longest.
The worm Loa Loa was originally found in Africa and has now reached Asia. The mangrove fly or deer fly is believed to be the carrier of this worm. The eggs of the worm enter the human body through small wounds inflicted by the fly. The death of the worm inside the body could be fatal as it could contaminate the blood. The disease is known as microfilariasis or Loa Loa infestation (Loiasis).
The video portal www.indiavideo.org and the Indian language portal www.oneindia.in are taking the video to the world. According to Mr. M.R. Hari, Executive Editor of India Video, the process recorded by Dr. Ashley fetched 2 million views on Facebook in three days and this persuaded them to make a short movie with supporting information to make it useful. Loa Loa disease could be a major health problem in future and hence an awareness campaign is the need of the hour. �We take up that mission now' says
Mr. Sriram Hebbar, CEO of One India.
Lakshmi Govind
India Video
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