White Owl Messaging is an online business located in Queen Creek, Arizona, April 05, 2013, 8:11 am -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- The White Owl Messaging service is being used by many Baby Boomers and as an effective "Grief Support Tool" by health care agencies and social workers. It allows the individual to continue to share in special life events that they will not be alive for. These messages and gifts can be delivered for birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, graduations, weddings or any special occasion the client requests. Customized ordering allows for �One time delivery�, �Multiple year delivery�, and for special life events that currently do not have a known delivery date. For unknown delivery dates the client uses the �Add a guardian� to the product. This appointed Guardian then enters that delivery date in when it becomes known: Ideal for graduations and weddings! For those who find the messages offensive and do not wish to receive these messages, the company has provided a way the individual can "Opt Out".
White Owl Messaging understands that this service is very personal for the client and the recipient, they have put together a broad catalog of gift ideas that closely align that represent your personal relationships. You will find items to suit all types of relationships, interests and budgets.
With this unique service you can have your messages, gifts, and that last round of drinks at your favorite pub to be shared after you pass. The client can place orders years in advance, their account remains dormant until notification of their passing is received, at which time the account is activated. This lets those you leave behind feel they have a way to stay connected, and know they are loved in a manner that is unique to your relationship. This service is a story that ties the old fashion values of family and love to the modern technology of the internet. It is also something everyone wishes they had.
White Owl Messaging founder Marianne Turner-Marken says that it is the relationships she has formed over the years that inspired her to create White Owl Messaging. Her work as a SpecialtyPediatric/Hospice nurse in Arizona's San Tan Valley also played a role in this decision. The work showed her the need for these kinds of connections when a family loses someone. But it was running across a letter written by her mother years before she died that told her just how important it is be able to reach out to those we love to help them heal. It was to lay the foundation for how she could help others do it as well.
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Resource Box
As a company that values its clients, White Owl Messaging strives to provide you with an experience that makes you feel confident in your purchase and use of our products and services. We understand this type of service is very personal for both our clients and the recipient of these messages and gifts; to protect your messages, images, and music we back up our server daily. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, we offer our client a 100% refund. We hope your selection brings your loved ones many years of enjoyment.