October 22, 2013, 10:30 am -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Laundry 365 are always trying to keep ahead of the game and they have put a great deal of work into getting the service right for the customer after he has set up and run his laundry. Laundry 365 is able to supply a vast range of laundry equipment from virtually every major supplier and this goes across the full range of laundry requirements from washing machines, tumble dryers, hydro extractors, ironers, finishing stations and drying cabinets. They are also able to offer excellent repair and servicing options to ensure that the equipment once purchased and installed will work well and stay working. This even includes a 365 day a year contact and repair service.
Laundry 365 have realised that there are other requirements that are needed to ensure longevity in the laundry and to help all the servicing side of the business they maintain a vast store of spare parts for most major machines. They also have a vast store of knowledge on old and obsolete machines and are excellent at sourcing spare laundry parts for the machine that may have been super-ceded many years ago but which still does an excellent job most of the time but requires a part, which is not easily found. Laundry 365 are very proud to have achieved a great deal of success in repairing and finding the right parts for good machines that would have had to have been thrown on the scrap heap.
One of the more recent work projects has been carried out in trying and most often succeeding in bringing older machines up to date by reprogramming them to a new and more efficient routine. Most modern day machines have a computer capability that allows them to be programmed to a user defined capability which will enable the customer to deal with problems or work programmes specific to his customer base. The programming system can be difficult to understand at times but Laundry 365 has expertise, which can help and return that older machine to deal with the intricacies of modern cleaning equipment. It is not just washing machines that have programmed machines but also tumble dryers and many of the finishing machines.
Laundry 365 can re-programme the washing machine to include an Ozone Disinfection Infused rinse cycle something that was not available years ago, also it may be that the operating temperature requires reducing. The advantage of re-programming is that it may be possible to significantly reduce the operating costs of running the machine and hence the cost per unit laundered lowered to increase the competitivity of the laundry in the market place. It can also help to improve the “Green” credentials of the laundry.
Laundry 365 is willing to discuss any problem that the customer may have and hopefully find a solution. There is a saying which comes to mind, that “if it is not broke do not fix it” but if Laundry 365 can reduce the running costs by 10% to 20% perhaps it is broke.
Contact Details: Laundry 365
84a Endwell Road
Sales & General Enquires: 0800 0699 365
Service: 0844 5676 365
Fax: 0844 5674 365
Web: http://www.laundry365.co.uk
Email: info@laundry365.co.uk