An Updated Edition Of An eBook Few Have Dared To Read Has Been Released On The Author's Website

Released on: October 21, 2013, 10:46 am
Industry: Media

Chicago IL, -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Entitled No More “We,” No More “Us,” it is an unusual true story detailing one man's angry and irreverent struggle with the loss of his beloved life companion.

The book tells exactly what it's like to lose someone, and offers some unexpected life and death lessons especially for grieving survivors, and also for those who have not lost a beloved companion.

“If you have already lost a beloved life companion,” the author says, “my earnest hope is that you will find some comforting 'resonance' or meaning in my story.”

The book discusses The Soul, “Soulville,” Cosmic Indifference, God, The Death and Separation Protocol, The Ugly Suffer-for-Growth Plan, The Dance of Death, and LOVE is All That Matters, and many other subjects. There is anger, sorrow, humor, and a proposed happy ending as well.

However, “This book is not for the faint-of-heart,” the author warns, “or for those who prefer not to recognize or confront darker realities of human existence.

“If you firmly believe that there exists a caring, benevolent, merciful Supreme Being, you may not care to read this story.

“Or, if you're convinced that when you die, it's 'all over,' and that you do not continue on as an eternal soul, this story may not be for you.

“If you believe that supernatural or paranormal events are merely coincidences, this story is not likely to change your mind.”

The book contains more than 90 pages, including full-color photos and poignant Love Notes to the author from his life companion.

The Preface and Introduction, plus dozens of excerpts, are available on the author's website:

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