Podcamp Ohio Conference Offers Free Sessions on Podcasting, Blogging
and New Media
on: June 11, 2008, 1:37 pm
Release Author: PodCamp
Release Summary: Podcasters, bloggers and anyone interested in
learning more about the world of online social networking and
media will be participating in a day-long "unconference"
on Saturday, June 28, 2008 at ITT Technical Institute in Hilliard,
Release Body: (Columbus, Ohio) Podcasters, bloggers and anyone
interested in learning more about the world of online social networking
and media will be participating in a day-long "unconference"
on Saturday, June 28, 2008 at ITT Technical Institute
in Hilliard, Ohio.
Participants will be both leading and attending over 20 sessions
on various topics, including the basics of podcasting, how podcasting
can be used in corporate environments, blog and web site search
engine optimization techniques, and how to use social media as
marketing tools. There will also be sessions dealing with online
etiquette advice, issues of women and new media, and tools and
tricks of the website trade. Other sessions and discussions will
cover using specific sites like Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn,
Flickr and Twitter. In addition to these sessions, attendees
will have the opportunity to socialize, network, and share information
about podcasts, blogs, digital music, web video and other new
media topics.
PodCamp, first launched in Boston in September
of 2006 by Chris Brogan and Christpher S. Penn,
have spread to various US and international cities and have helped
to build a stronger community of podcasters, bloggers, and other
new media enthusiasts. Experience with podcasting or blogging
are not requirements to participate; professionals of any industry,
hobbyists and students are encouraged to attend.
PodCamp Ohio is presented by ITT Technical
Institute in Hilliard (Columbus metro), Blubrry Podcasting Community,
and other local new media companies and individuals.
register for free and to learn more, visit the event's web site
at www.podcampohio.com.
If you are interested in sponsoring PodCamp Ohio
or have any questions, contact Angelo Mandato
by calling (614) 429-4474 or sending an email
to angelo@podcampohio.com.
Site: http://www.podcampohio.com
Details: Angelo Mandato
Organizer, PodCamp Ohio
(614) 429-4474
Email: angelo@podcampohio.com
Web site: www.podcampohio.com