LinkedWords: Now over 1 million contextually targeted unique visitors
per month are shared among the web sites contextually linked in!
on: October 13, 2008, 7:35 am
Release Author: LinkedWords
& Online
Release Summary: LinkedWords is now receiving more than 1 million
unique visitors per month; keeps on growing
Release Body: Launched back in the middle of 2006 LinkedWords
has essentially proven over the past years to be very
effective vehicle in helping web sites get contextually linked
on a content area level so that Internet users and smart robots
discover their information in context. Since then the contextual
platform has rapidly grown from 30,000 uniques per month back
in its early days during 2006 to over 1 million unique visitors
per month these past months of 2008.
successful formula seems to be simple yet very effective: the
higher the number of small to mid level sites’ content areas
contextually linked in LW’s platform -
the higher the number of contextually targeted unique visitors
shared among those web sites linked in.
Google Analytics and Quantcast
measured traffic are now reporting for over 1,000,000 unique visitors
per month.
interesting facts in regard to the site’s traffic and usage
to note are:
400,000 unique
visitors’ mark per month was surpassed for first time
in April 2007; |
the entire 2007 LW ended up with more than 4,500,000
unique visitors to its contextual platform; |
the period of 12 months between Apr 2007 and Apr 2008 LW
ended up with more than 7,700,000
unique visitors to its contextual platform; |
highest number of monthly visitors so far was encountered
during the month of April 2008 when the platform had more
than 1,300,000
uniques; |
is the highest number of daily unique visitors ever happened
so far, which occurred on April 07, 2008; |
year (2008) was however not all glorious for LinkedWords.
During the month of April '08 our platform has experienced an
unprecedented growth in the traffic reaching over 1.3M
unique visitors, which resulted in a failure on one of
our servers causing
major downtime. The impacted period was from Friday, April
25 to Friday, May 16, 2008. Millions
of unique visitors to LW were affected for which we apologize
again for any inconvenience this may have caused your contextual
connections and thank you one more time for your understanding.
It took us more than 4 months to completely recover both our platform
and our reach.
the major downtime that took place during the entire month of
May ’08 and had later affected our traffic for a period
of several months starting from May and ending on August ’08
considerably slowing it down the consolidated traffic for the
entire 2008 is expected to be in the 10M
range, which is double increase from 2007.
What does LinkedWords do after all?
(LW) is an innovative contextual
platform built upon millions of English words and
phrases organized into contextual categories, paths, and semantic
URLs whose mission is to maximize contextual linking
among web sites across the Web. Since its launch in June 2006
LW's concept has essentially proven to be very effective vehicle
in helping web sites get contextually
linked on a content area level so that Internet
users and smart robots discover their
information in context. Correct in-text contextual linked words
(hyper links) help our platform, 3rd party sites and semantic
search engines all direct relevant Internet users to the web sites
contextually linked in.
your site is contextually connected with LW's platform
(by hyper-linking strategic words and phrases in the texts
of your site to the same words/phrases at LW within the
appropriate categories and contextual paths) it helps us
send you targeted traffic from what the platform's reach
is - 4.5M for the entire 2007 and 5M for the first 4 months
of the 2008; |
also helps contextually connected web sites
through LW drive precisely targeted traffic among themselves
by connecting content areas with the same context around
Web anytime other sites link to the same words/phrases at
LW from within the same or highly relevant context; |
guides software agents and algorithmic robots discover
(your) information in context. Contextual categories, paths,
semantic URLs and in-context hyper-links are format that
can be read, understood and used by software agents, thus
permitting them to find, classify and organize your information
in context on Web; |
helps common users find relevant information
(could be yours) on-demand, in the context of the subject
they are reading around the Web, by clicking on the same
contextually... linked words!
Visitors coming from static in-context hyper-links inside
meaningful text contextually relevant to your content are
highly likely to be targeted at the highest precise level
possible; |
the last but not the least, it is FREE for
your web site to contextually connect to the LW's platform
and start getting targeted traffic, today. |
but how do I contextually link my site to LW's platform?
After getting familiar with how
it's done you can browse or search the 38,050,000+ English
words-, phrases- and sentences-based pages and categories organized
into contextual paths, find the strategic ones for your web site
/ content and get then contextually
linked with. Small to mid-level web publishers looking to
improve the visibility and increase the
targeted traffic of their web sites can make as many
as possible contextual links through LW's platform. Alternatively,
practical examples of already linked words can anytime be seen
last, but not the least, LW is all about contextual
information therefore to assure best results make sure 1) the
context of your page, in which you make your linked words, matches
the contextual path to the words/phrases you make the contextual
links to at LW’s platform, and 2) you link
only words/phrases that grammatically belong to and are organically
found within sentences inside your text and these linked words
are surrounded by meaningful content otherwise no contextual connections
can be created, which yields no results and is ground for deletion.
Proper contextual paths/categories and in-text linked words yield
better contextual results. If no words or phrases are found for
your specific content, or they are not in the right contextual
paths/categories, you can always create your own words and phrases
in the most appropriate paths/categories to match your page’s
can find out more by visiting us at the following web address:
800 West El Camino Real
Suite 180
Mountain View, CA 94040
LinkedWords SCP
26bis, Bd Princesse Charlotte
Monte Carlo 98000
Tel: +377 92161560
Fax: +377 92161480