Cinema Paradiso expands DVD and Blue Ray rental service
Released on: March 10, 2009, 7:23 am
Author: Cinema Paradiso
Industry: Entertainment
In these tough economic times it is refreshing to hear a
success story. As people cut back their spending and tighten their
belts they look for a service or product which enables them to achieve
their objectives and desires at a lower cost.
One such cut back is that of people going to the cinema to watch films. Increasingly
people are staying at home and watching films on their own home cinema systems.
Although this is cheaper than regularly visiting the cinema many people are
discovering the benefits of online film rental services.
Cinema Paradiso are seeing and increasing trend of people staying at home and
watching rented films. It is however quite expensive to keep buying the latest films
on DVD and Blu-Ray so to fill this need Cinema Paradiso have expanded their rental
service to include recently released titles on both formats.
Blu-Ray has established itself as the market leader in high definition entertainment
and as a result carries a premium price. With Cinema Paradiso offering Blu-Ray/DVD
rental packages starting at just a few pounds per month people can now get access to
these titles and realise the full potential of their High Definition home cinema
The service works via the post. Each user manages a list of titles wanted and these
are shipped out by 1st class post when you subscribe. Then when each DVD/Blu-Ray
disc is returned it is replaced with a title from your list.
The prices are based on the number of films rented per month and at any one time.
Customers can choose from 2 DVDs per month (1 at a time) for the price of £4.89 to£24.99 (5 at a time) for unlimited rentals. There are a number of packages to suit
everyone’s viewing pleasure For most average people who would only watch a couple of
films each month the budget package is fine. Cinema Paradiso provide service on
their limited packaged where unused rentals are transferred over from one month to
another if you haven’t managed to use all of them. This is especially important for
busy people who rent fewer films.
Cinema Paradiso members can also enjoy flexibility and upgrade their package at any
point allowing them more rental opportunities.
Cinema Paradiso pride themselves on their excellent customer service and fast
turnaround times. Even those on the budget packages receive the same levels of care
and attention. New titles and films are regularly added guaranteeing plenty of
Here are a few comments from happy Cinema Paradiso customers.
"I used to be with Amazon before I changed to you, best thing I ever did!"
-Bruce from Grantham
"I am leaving the country sorry but your service was and is fantastic!!!!!"
-Robert from Cambridge
I wanted to say
a big thank you
for your
service,this is
such an
excellent dvd
club. The films
barring strikes
have always
been on time
and in
quality. I
recommend you
to all my
friends and
family and you
should be proud
of having such
a brilliant
-Margo from Norwich
Cinema Paradiso are currently offering a free starter trial period for all new
members providing a risk free means to see what all of the excitement is about.
Visit for more information and to see the DVD/Blu-Ray
rental packages on offer.
Company Background
Cinema Paradiso were established in 2003 and have a library of over 65,000 titles.
They are based in the UK and specialise in the rental of DVD and Blu-Ray films.
Cinema Paradiso pride themselves on their excellent customer service and fast
turnaround times. Even those on the budget packages receive the same levels of care
and attention. New titles and films are regularly added guaranteeing plenty of
choice. Cinema Paradiso is also well known for its extensive library of World cinema
titles ranging from Argentina to Yugoslavia ensuring one of the widest and most
varied rental collections anywhere.
Contact Details:
Cinema Paradiso
PO Box 323
United Kingdom