New Firewall Hacking Book By HackerStorm For Penetration Testing & Ethical Hackers, Cowboy Testers Beware!

Released on: April 02, 2012, 10:21 am
Industry: Internet & Online

-- /EPR NETWORK/ -- has published a new ebook aimed at ethical hackers and security professionals who hire or manage penetration testing services.

'Firewall Hacking Secrets For Security Professionals', available via for kindle, is the first ebook in the series. For many, firewall's are the first line of defence and with high profile hacking incidents on the rise, the requirement for good firewall testing is now essential.

Timur Mehmet, author of the ebook and creator of comments:
"Firewall testing and hacking was an easy choice as a first publication, many depend heavily on firewall security and a lot of organisations are being targeted for all manner of reasons which creates a demand for regular firewall testing".

Timur Mehmet adds: "The aim of the ebook is to give people enough knowledge to enable managers and penetration testers to ask the right questions so that they can create a more meaningful test scope and test plan. All too often the testers ask what the customer wants and the customer really has no idea, all they know is they are worried about Anonymous, LulzSec and the rise in activity from Iran and China but have no idea on how to approach the testing or how to evaluate the testers".

"Unfortuntately, some testers out there relish this situation becuase it enables them to do the minimum amount of work for the maximum amount of money leaving the hiring managers with a huge false sense of security, on the flip side, there are many penetration testers and ethical hackers who want to know if what they are doing is in line with best practice as most books on the subject provide very little information other than to download and install some free tools".

'Firewall Hacking Secrets For Security Professionals' is a vendor neutral guide aimed purely at testing firewall technology. The book does not focus on how to use various tools or explain basic networking like virtually all hacking books to date. The ebook gets straight to it.

A summarised checklist is also provided to help create a test plan and to enable all parties to discuss the scope of testing to ensure the project is relevant.

The book is currently available in Kindle format via Amazon for immediate download with further formats plannned in the future. To stay informed about new tools and ebooks, you can follow on Twitter at @hackerstorm.

Notes to Editors was launched in 2005 to share various penetration testing and research tools for free. The most popular tool is OSVDB (open source vulnerability database) tool and has had well over 10,000 downloads since launch and is included in ethical hacking study guides and certifications.

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For further information, please contact:
Tim Mehmet
Tel. +44 208 123 4249


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