Lexington Medical Center Is First Hospital In South Carolina With
Incisionless Surgery
on: June 12, 2009, 6:13 am
Author: Jennifer Wilson/Lexington Medical Center Public Relations
Industry: Healthcare
Medical Center has made medical history by becoming the first
hospital in South Carolina with incisionless
South Carolina Obesity Surgery Center, a physician practice affiliated
with Lexington Medical Center, is now offering “the ROSE
procedure” and performed it for the first time at Lexington
Medical Center this week. ROSE stands for Restorative
Obesity Surgery, Endoscopic. This procedure is for patients
who have gained weight back after gastric bypass surgery. Currently,
only approximately 30 facilities in the United States offer this
ROSE, the surgeon will insert an endoscope through the patient’s
mouth into the stomach pouch. The doctor then creates folds to
make the stomach pouch smaller. Because there are no external
cuts into the body, the procedure offers the advantages of reduced
risk of infection, less post-operative pain, faster recovery time
and no scars. The treatment can be especially important in South
Carolina, which ranks 5th in the nation for obesity.
Marc Antonetti and Dr. Glen Strickland of the South Carolina Obesity
Surgery Center completed special training to do the ROSE
procedure at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas
earlier this year. Each procedure takes about 1 ½ hours.
Patients may be in the hospital less than one day. The ideal candidate
is someone who had gastric bypass two years ago, lost greater
than 50% of their excess weight and regained greater than 10%.
the ROSE procedure, patients who regained weight after gastric
bypass surgery had few treatment options. Scarring from the initial
procedure made revision surgery challenging, with longer recovery
time and an increased risk for complications.
patients regain weight after gastric bypass surgery because of
gradual enlargement of the surgically altered small stomach pouch.
In weight loss surgery, the stomach pouch is made very small,
which creates a feeling of fullness after just a small volume
of food is eaten. When the pouch gradually enlarges, the feeling
of fullness is no longer present, patients can eat larger meals
and weight regain occurs.
say similar incisionless surgery
may have future application for gall bladder surgery and appendectomies.
South Carolina Obesity Surgery Center is dual-certified as a Center
of Excellence in bariatric surgery by the American College of
Surgeons and the American Society for Bariatric Surgery. Its doctors
are Dr. Antonetti, Dr. Strickland and Dr. Jim Givens. The surgeons
there have completed more than 3,000 bariatric surgeries.
reporters who wish to do a story on the procedure, its patients
and doctors should call Jennifer Wilson at Lexington Medical Center
at 803-791-2191. For more information on the South Carolina Obesity
Surgery Center and the ROSE procedure, go to
About Lexington Medical Center
Lexington Medical Center, in West Columbia, S.C., anchors a county-wide
health care network that includes six community medical centers
throughout Lexington County and employs a staff of 5,100 health
care professionals. The network also includes the largest extended
care facility in the state, an occupational health center and
physician practices. At its heart is the 384-bed state-of-the-art
Lexington Medical Center, with a reputation for the highest quality
care. Lexington Medical Center was voted one of the “Best
Places to Work” by the South Carolina Chamber of Commerce,
“Best Hospital” by readers of The State for nine years
in a row, “Best Hospital” by readers of the Free Times
and “Best Place to Have a Baby” by readers of Palmetto
Parent. Visit www.lexmed.com
or www.lexmed.tv.
Contact Details: Jennifer Wilson
Lexington Medical Center Public Relations Manager
2720 Sunset Boulevard
West Columbia, SC 29169
803-791-2191 or 803-939-4512