Patricia Cardenas Speaks Out Against Violence, Encouraging Other Survivors to Find their Voice

Abuse is a major problem in the United States where an estimated one in three women and one in four men have been physically abused by an intimate partner, according to the Center for Disease Control and Protection.

San Antonio, TX, USA,  2018-May-14 — /EPR Network/ — Patricia Cardenas is a survivor in every sense of the word. Having lived the majority of her life homeless and in domestic violence relationships, she has overcome much of the adversity that life has presented her in order to share her story with the world.

“I lived much of my life between shelters and on the street. I want other people to experience my life and the world that I live in. A lot of people do not know what it’s like, living on the other side of the fence or the other side of the tracks.”

In her work, Cardenas hopes to tackle some of the stigmas that surround not only domestic violence and abusive relationships but also drug addiction. “I’ve been in domestic violence relationships for over half of my life, for thirty-some years. That also brought me to drug addiction and not too many people write about that. It’s kind of embarrassing and they feel like no one will listen to them.”

Now in recovery, Cardenas says that her goal was, “to reach other people and enlighten them about this other life.” Publishing a book entitled “Bracing Faith: Empowerment from a Domestic Violence Survivor and a Recovering Addict,” was her way of doing just that.

“Cardenas is not just talking about domestic violence but about the relationship between drug addiction and abusive relationships. She gives the reader an insight into what so many domestic violence survivors have to go through to come out on the other end. Cardenas is taking a heroic step, exposing her personal story to help save thousands,” comments publisher, Lisa Michelle Umina.

Her book is just a beginning. Cardenas is working to become a certified domestic violence advocate and seeks to work in the field as a source of support for other women who are experiencing domestic violence. “Advocates at Next Door Solutions to Domestic Violence (a California-based domestic violence agency) helped me at a time when I most needed support, information, and encouragement. I know that it is my calling to be that source of support to help other women get out of the cycle of abuse and violence and move forward toward safety and self-sufficiency.”

A support system is one of the elements that Cardenas credits to her recovery. “My stepdad has been the most supportive person I’ve had my whole life.”

For more information about Patricia Cardenas visit “Bracing Faith: Empowerment from a Domestic Violence Survivor and a Recovering Addict” is now available at Halo Publishing International, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble, Goodreads and Books a Million in Paperback for $19.95 and as an e-Book for $9.99.

Press & Media Contact:
Lisa Umina, Publisher
Halo Publishing International
1100 NW Loop 410, Suite 700-176
San Antonio, TX 78213 – USA

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