Canine Arthritis Treatment Market Assessment and Key Insights Analyzed till 2025

ALBANY, US, 2019-May-31 — /EPR Network/ —

Looking at the current market trends as well as the promising demand status of the “Canine Arthritis Treatment Market”, it can be projected that the future years will bring out positive outcomes. This research report added by Market Research Hub (MRH) on its online portal delivers clear insight about the changing tendencies across the global market. Readers can gather prime facets connected to the target market which includes product, end-use and application; assisting them to draw conclusions out of this intelligent research report.

This report studies the global Canine Arthritis Treatment market size, industry status and forecast, competition landscape and growth opportunity. This research report categorizes the global Canine Arthritis Treatment market by companies, region, type and end-use industry.

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The canine arthritis treatment types include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs), opioids and stem cell Canine Arthritis Treatment. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Canine Arthritis Treatment are used to control pain and inflammation associated with arthritis. They are most commonly used canine arthritis treatment drugs. NSAIDs are used to treat mild to moderate pain by reducing the production of prostaglandins, which is involved with inflammation and discomfort. Several non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications approved for canine arthritis treatment are Ketaprofen, Carprofen, Deracoxib, and Rimadyl, among others. Opioids are another class of pain relief medication for canine arthritis treatment, which includes Tramadol, Tapentadol, and buprenorphine, among others. Opioids work by acting through the central opioid receptors. They are used to treat moderate to severe as well as chronic pain associated with arthritis. The stem cell therapy is a new treatment option for canine arthritis treatment. The stem cell Canine Arthritis Treatment is usually performed as canine arthritis treatment using either autologous stem cells or allogeneic stem cells Canine Arthritis Treatment. In the stem cell canine arthritis treatment, the adult stem cells are harvested from canines fat tissues and injected into the affected joints. The stem cell Canine Arthritis Treatment has improved the quality of life of canines by reducing pain and increasing mobility and has shown 85% success rate within 5 months of canine arthritis treatment.
In 2017, the global Canine Arthritis Treatment market size was xx million US$ and it is expected to reach xx million US$ by the end of 2025, with a CAGR of xx% during 2018-2025.

This report focuses on the global top players, covered
Elanco (Eli Lilly and Company)
Boehringer Ingelheim
Zoetis Inc
Vetoquinol S.A.
Bayer AG
Aratana Therapeutics Inc
Norbrook Laboratories Limited
VetStem Biopharma
Dechra Pharmaceuticals Plc

Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report covers
United States
Southeast Asia

Market segment by Type, the product can be split into
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Stem Cell Therapy

Market segment by Application, split into
Veterinary Hospitals and Clinics
Retail Pharmacies
Drug Stores

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Table of Contents

Global Canine Arthritis Treatment Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025
1 Industry Overview of Canine Arthritis Treatment
1.1 Canine Arthritis Treatment Market Overview
1.1.1 Canine Arthritis Treatment Product Scope
1.1.2 Market Status and Outlook
1.2 Global Canine Arthritis Treatment Market Size and Analysis by Regions (2013-2018)
1.2.1 United States
1.2.2 Europe
1.2.3 China
1.2.4 Japan
1.2.5 Southeast Asia
1.2.6 India
1.3 Canine Arthritis Treatment Market by Type
1.3.1 Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
1.3.2 Opioids
1.3.3 Stem Cell Therapy
1.4 Canine Arthritis Treatment Market by End Users/Application
1.4.1 Veterinary Hospitals and Clinics
1.4.2 Retail Pharmacies
1.4.3 Drug Stores
1.4.4 E-commerce

2 Global Canine Arthritis Treatment Competition Analysis by Players
2.1 Canine Arthritis Treatment Market Size (Value) by Players (2013-2018)
2.2 Competitive Status and Trend
2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate
2.2.2 Product/Service Differences
2.2.3 New Entrants
2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future

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