Do more with your photographs through SketchMatrix
Released on = October 17, 2006, 5:36 pm
Press Release Author = NeuralTek [ACN 064 583 633]
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = Ultimate software tool to create professional looking sketch art from any photo
Press Release Body = 15 October 2006 Neuraltek, Sydney, Australia
Neuraltek announces the release of SkechMatrix 2.1, a windows software that can be used to convert any photo or an image into professional quality sketch art.
Using SketchMatrix is quite simple, and yet, the results look amazingly professional and realistic. Users can choose the easy mode by utilizing the Wizard for creating art based on included preset styles - making it possible to create impressive art with just a few mouse clicks. Advanced users will be pleased with the extensive configurability, providing full control on various aspects of a sketch - such as ouline, features, shading, detail, etc. Eight-way positional bias controls add even more variability, and all parameters may be tuned individually and combined to provide virtually unlimited styles. This extensive customization lets the user create their own unique art styles that may be saved as preset files for later use on other images. SketchMatrix supports both black & white as well as color art styles. All effects are applied in real time and in WYSIWYG style.
Sketch and art filters have been part and parcel of quite a few image editors in the past. However, these have generally lacked realism, often resembling a poor distorted print of the original image. In contrast, art done by a professional artist has that touch of class that comes from the human ability to introduce subtle variations, randomness, and dynamism into the work. To overcome this static nature of computer generated art, SketchMatrix makes use of Neuraltek\'s proprietary Dynamic Parameterization technology - giving it the ability to simulate the real world variability and subtleness of art.
SketchMatrix is shareware (try before you buy), and is available in various program editions to suit the need and budget of different users. Sample sketch art, free trial download, and more information is available from the SketchMatrix web site -
Neuraltek is known for creating innovative and useful software based on its proprietary techniques. Its RealLifeColour technology changed the way colorization was perceived by critiques the world over, and spawned the much applauded photo coloring software \"BlackMagic Color\" (
Further information: Manu Sood Neuraltek, Sydney Tel: +61 - 408 268762
Web Site =
Contact Details = Address: P.O. Box 582, North Ryde AUSTRALIA
Phone Number: +61 - 408 - 268762 Email:
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