MG Cindy Kirkland Adjutant General State of Nevada

Released on: March 15, 2008, 5:47 pm

Press Release Author: Michelle Mellema


Press Release Summary: MG Kirkland was involved in a violation committed by her JAG
LTC Rick Blower and his employee Shannon Bryant Esq but failed to corect the
problem. She decied to ignore it and hope it went away. It hasn\'t and will cost
taxpayers millions.

Press Release Body: In March 2006 Shannon Bryant Esq. representing my ex spouse in
our divorce broke the US Army privacy act in print. The case is so solid that he and
the JAG LTC Rick Blower he worked for started a campaign against me to keep me from
suing. During this 2 + year court battle I caught Shannon Bryant's practice of
hacking into his adversaries computers for evidence to use against them.

Shannon Bryant lost his military career over this then bribed custody evaluator
Karen Shelton to tell the court and law enforcement I was delusional. He tried to
have me committed to escape prison. Today I am still trying to get the charges
pressed and will not stop until I do.

A multi-million dollar tort claim was filed on the State of Nevada for this action.
The State is responsible for the National Guard unit that failed to keep this man in
line. A tort was also filed on the US Army.

I inform all to beware. I don't believe MG Cindy Kirkland knew how Bryant and Blower
were going to retaliate on this issue but it has escalated out of control. Bryant
and his friends threaten my life and continue to harass me even though I haven't
been in Nevada for over a year.

Stay away from Shannon Bryant Esq. His practice will cause you nothing but trouble.
He charges less then other attorney's but keeps the cases going 3 times as long till
you have nothing left. In this divorce his practices are risking many sanctions and
prison to help him cover. He destroys families in his work. His temper is his
continuing downfall, preventing him from accepting the responsibilities for his
actions. I have plenty of print.

Also stay away from Karen Shelton PhD. Custody evaluator and child psychologist. She
destroyed my family helping Bryant cover his crimes. By putting a false claim of
insanity on my daughters' family medical history. I thank God almost daily that the
insanity strain coming from her stepfather's family is not biologically related.
Karen Shelton recommended to the court my daughter go with her stepfather. Today
Greg Mellema has refused my daughter any relationship with my daughter. Also all of
her friends she had the first 10 years of her life. He simply can't publicly admit
his own mental problems. My daughter suffers extreme parent alienation.

My spouse and his friend Mike Willden, Director State of Nevada Health and Human
Services continue to stalk me on the Internet posting things they are actually
guilty of. It is the simple case of the guilty accusing the innocent of what they
are feeling guilty for doing.

I will make public the results of the tort claims that may turn into civil court
cases. I plan to get national media this. Shannon Bryant, Mike Willden, and friends
all tell me if I shut up they will stop. For a year I filed no official complaints
and they never stopped harassing me. Even across the country and back. Now I will
never shut up until the whole case is cracked. Apparently money is the only language
they know so I will hit them all criminally and civilly until they are all put down,
out of business, and livelihoods. Hopefully prison for all the criminal actions.

Web Site: http://

Contact Details: 17071 Countess Place
Encino, California 91436

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