Launch of Website Boasts Omega Benefits

Released on: February 13, 2009, 12:20 am
Author: Samantha C
Industry: Healthcare
The launch of the health site boosts about all the health benefits of omega fatty acids and essential oils.
With consumer trepidation, it is great to see a site so dedicated to exploring the real health benefits of essential fatty acids. History tells us that during a weakening economy many people will suffer from poor eating habits as their buying patterns change.
Families will choose more budget conscious meals which may mean that they will save money in the short run, however if we take a step back and look at the long term picture it could equate to a more significant loss in the future.
As individuals health worsens (the culprit being a poor diet), society can expect to see a greater strain on an already taxed medical system. These individuals put themselves and their families at risk of more serious ailments. Diseases which could drastically reduce or end a families income.
Education is power and Omega Life Line is poised to educate men, women and teens about the necessity of consuming 'healthy fats'. The modern diet is extremely unbalanced in the ratio of omega 3's to omega 6's. And that is a very dangerous and avoidable position for any person to be in.
Creator of the site Samantha Criddle explains, "everyday people are looking for miracle solutions to cure all their problems and sometimes it's simpler than what they expected. The health benefits of omega oils are tough to ignore".
What many people don' t realize is that the body cannot manufacture the essential fatty acids that it requires to maintain proper body health and function. And that's where people get into trouble. In understanding where to source healthy, nutrient rich omega oils, people can empower themselves and realize a healthier lifestyle.
For more information on omega oils we invite you to visit
Contact Details: 2142 Wildflower Rd, Shawnigan Lake, BC Canada