launches UK Lottery Results On Twitter


Released on: April 17, 2009, 8:42 am
Industry: Entertainment, the UK's favourite independent lottery website, has launched a brand new Twitter service that enables anyone to automatically receive the very latest lottery results directly to their mobile phone - totally free of charge

The new lottery service uses the free social messaging service, Twitter, to enable lottery players to be able to receive all the UK lottery results within minutes of the draws taking place.

Twitter is a free service which allows people to let friends, family members and work colleagues know what they are up to in an easy and hassle-free way. By linking a mobile phone to a free Twitter account users can automatically receive updates from any other Twitter users they choose to keep up with.

By choosing to follow the Lottery on Twitter, players will now be able to receive all the UK lottery results within minutes of the draws taking place.

This is great news for all UK National Lottery players, as it means they need never again have to worry about forgetting to check the latest lottery results and risk missing out on a big win. Anyone who gets the latest lottery results from delivered to them directly via Twitter can make sure they aren't one of the unlucky ones.

This brand new lottery results service will prove indispensable for all UK lottery players whether they play the Lotto game once in a while or religiously every Wednesday and Saturday. But it won't cost them a penny to receive these results - all they need is a free Twitter account and a moment to set things up.

When a lottery player has started following on Twitter they will receive an update after each Wednesday and Saturday Lotto draw. All they have to do then is compare the lottery results with the numbers on their tickets to see if they have won.

Never again will lottery players need to spend Saturday evening in the pub or at the cinema, wondering whether they have managed to win a million or two. Now they'll know for sure, leaving them free to carry on enjoying their evening or, if they've won a major prize, start celebrating in style.

"Providing our lottery results service via Twitter is something that will hopefully make life a great deal easier for British lottery players everywhere," said Sam Werren, spokesman for "Technology has always promised to make life easier, but it seldom lives up to that promise. By harnessing the proven power of the free Twitter social messaging service, we can now deliver useful and potentially life-changing information to lottery players all over the country. All we are hoping for now is that one of our Twitter followers succeeds in winning a jackpot"

About is an independent lottery web site which provides lottery players with everything they need to get the most from their favourite hobby. Check the latest lottery results for all National Lottery games, read all about the latest lottery news stories, make use of an informative articles archive and much more. PR Contact:
Sam Weren
The Lottery Company Ltd
PO Box 200
01423 507545



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