Stevenage Co-operative Pharmacy Staff Help Man Who Falls On Ice
on: January 28, 2010, 5:18 am
Co-Operative Pharmacy
Industry: Healthcare
Staff at one of The Co-operative Pharmacy’s Stevenage local
pharmacy branches came to the rescue of a passer-by when he slipped
on the ice and hit is head during the ‘big freeze’ last week.

After being alerted to the incident by a customer, supervisor, Sue Spicer, called an
ambulance as the man had fallen over a low wall, injured his head and was losing
Dispensing assistant, Sarah Day, calmly followed the instructions of the emergency
services operator and alongside pharmacist, Hiral Patel, waited with the injured
individual and made sure he was comfortable until the ambulance arrived.
As additional pharmacy staff
looked after the Broadwater Crescent branch, Sarah and Hiral minimised the patient’s
blood loss and provided blankets to keep him warm.
Hiral said: “We were just glad to have been on hand to help until the ambulance
service took over. Most credit should go to Sarah who was extremely composed and
efficient. It was a cold 20 minutes while we waited but then it was back to the
branch and business as usual.”
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For further information please contact:
Name: Alex Anderson
Tel: 0161-266 3416