The India Project Announces to Investors Signs of Early Profit
on: April 29, 2010, 2:26 pm
CEO Scott R Asher
Internet & Online
The India Project, a Phoenix rising from the ashes of former
failures of creators, Scott R. Asher and Mark Pringle, demonstrates a
new model for internet profitability. Rather than attempting to make
any single website, “the next big thing,” it is creating a network of
one hundred monetized and SEO optimized niche websites. The
corporation’s prospectus calls for exploiting the talents of computer
programmers in India to optimize the network of one hundred websites
within thirty days under the direct supervision of computer programmer
and website developer, Scott R. Asher in India.
According to Asher, the India Project also demonstrates the power of social
networking. Remarkably, Asher and Pringle have actually never met. Their
relationship was founded online with the single burning desire to make money.
Pringle, a former client of Asher stated, “[w]hen Scott first told me of his idea to
create a massive network of sites using the talents of Indian computer programmers,
I could see the enormous potential of this idea. Having floundered in real estate,
foreclosing on my thirty rental properties and finding the inside of a bankruptcy
courtroom, I was poised and ready to act on a ‘big idea.’” According to Asher, “the
idea came to me during my darkest hour. I had been cast as a character in a Las
Vegas episode of the program ‘Cops,” wrongly accused of stealing mail from my own
apartment complex. While defending myself against these ridiculous claims, it
occurred to me that my energy was being wasted within the legal system. Once I
turned my focus back to my entrepreneurial interests on the internet, the idea of
the India Project suddenly became clear. I’ve had many big ideas over the years and
meeting Mark online and feeling his enthusiasm was crucial to actually implementing
the idea.”
According to corporate management, Scott R. Asher and Mark Pringle, “The investors
of The India Project, have much to look forward to. With only one fifth of the
projected websites created, we have already generated unexpected income.” According
to Asher, “early signs of profit demonstrate the validity of the concept.” Pringle
stated, “we have been concentrating our efforts on obtaining unique domains for the
network, with minimal effort placed on content. To begin receiving income from our
stock WordPress blogs at this point, was beyond our expectation. We’re now debating
if our projection of a million dollars from the project is low.” Shares of the
corporation are still available for purchase by individuals and the corporation now
offers 400 shares available for corporate sponsorship. Pringle stated, “we are
offering a unique opportunity for corporate sponsorship including stock in the
company as well as advertising opportunities within the network. As always, I’m
available to current and potential investors to discuss the financial information of
the India Project. More information is available about the India Project on the
company’s website,
Contact Details: The India Project inc.
PO Box 172
Baldwin City, KS 66006