"Quest for Truth: the spiritual and yogic way" is a book that describes spiritualism and yoga in its purest form based on ancient Indian scriptures.

Released on = July 6, 2005, 7:32 am

Press Release Author = premansu chand/ Thornton publishing,Inc

Industry =

Press Release Summary = At present time, Yoga is spreading across the globe rapidly; but neither spiritualism nor yoga is understood and preached in its purest form. The book briefly describes spiritualism based on the Upanishads and yoga based on the
Patanjali's Yogasutra. Readers shall find that aphorisms of Patanjali have not been interpreted in the true meaning.

Press Release Body = The spiritual truth as found in the Upanishads reveals that nothing is greater than soul(atman). It is the source of life and consciousness in all beings. When soul departs a body, it turns out to be dead matter. Matter has no soul, for this it is lifeless and unconscious. Life gives living energy and consciousness gives will power to a being. What men have acieved till date, is because of this tremendous will power in them. In fact soul, life and consciousness are one and constitute the only truth in the whole universe. The Upanishads glorify Atman as Brahman, the ultimate Reality or Absolute. People do not see the soul, because everybody is drowned in illusion(maya). This iluusion conceals the truth. Illusion is naturally associated with Brahman or Atman. This diverse world of names and forms is nothing but illusion. Man considers this illusion as truth and forgets his real nature or true self. This is nothing but ignorance. As the illusion of snake vanishes when rope is identified, so the ignorance vanishes when true knowledge dawns in. When one enters the dreaming state, this waking or visible world vanishes; when one enters the deep sleep, both
the waking and dreaming worlds vanishes and appear to be false. Similarly after death this visible world vanishes and appears to be false. The aphorisms of Patanjali's Yogasutra teaches how to realise Atman or true self. True self is realised by dispelling all worldly thoughts present in the mind. Through practice and detachment one reaches the ultimate state of total concentration(samadhi) where one realises the truth which is not different from Atman or Brahman.

Web Site = http://www.bookstobelievein.com/questfortruth.php

Contact Details = Town planning colony, Dhenkanal, Orissa, India, premansu_chand@rediffmail.com

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