RELEX Free Webcast: Microscopy for Nanomaterials Characterization by Dr. Nan Yao from Princeton University

Released on = September 8, 2005, 8:28 am

Press Release Author = ARPU~UP

Industry = Electronics

Press Release Summary = "Microscopy for Nanomaterials Characterization," a free
Webcast by Dr. Nan Yao, Director of the Imaging and Analysis Center, Materials
Institute, Princeton University - is now available on-demand

Press Release Body = New York, NY, September 8, 2005 –- The free Webcast "Microscopy
for Nanomaterials Characterization", by Dr. Nan Yao, Director of the Imaging and
Analysis Center, Materials Institute, Princeton University - is now available

This Webcast was first broadcasted live at the Research Lab Expo (RELEX), an online
conference and virtual exhibition launched by the Reed Business Information Science.

To register for this free Webcast, visit:

Web Site =

Contact Details = Boaz Babai
Karkur, Israel
Tel: +972-54-5700157


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