Company Provides Free Foreclosure Help to Stop Foreclosure for
PA Homeowners
on: October 24, 2007, 6:57 pm
Release Author: House Match
Release Summary: House Match LLC, A Pennsylvania Company specializing
in foreclosure help and stopping foreclosure launches a website
and 24/7 automated information line where home owners can get information
about foreclosure options and the Pennsylvania foreclosure process. provides free access to information and an online
form to allow House Match LLC to provide the homeowner with information
on their rights and options in foreclosure or pre-foreclosure situations.
They also have short sale specialists and loss mitigation specialists
that work with banks to reduce what a homeowner owes. This allows
a homeowner to sell their house even if they have little or no equity,
or owes more then they can sell the house for. In addition, the
company also provides short term loans, and programs on credit repair
and how to improve your credit.
Release Body: A brand new automated telephone service and website
provides free information and services to homeowners across Pennsylvania
that allows homeowners to stop foreclosure. The company, House
Match LLC provides this service for free and does not collect
any money for providing the homeowner with PA foreclosure process
information and options to save their house and credit from the
PA foreclosure process. House Match LLC is located
in Chester County Pennsylvania and has an excellent track record
of helping homeowners. The companies website and 24/7 foreclosure
information line provide access to information and operators who
collect information that allows the company to credit a profile
of options available to the home owner. The company has loss mitigation
specialists and short sale specialists on staff that work with lenders
to reduce what a property owner owes, allowing the property owner
to sell the house even if they previously had owed more then the
house was worth. This is proving to be a real need with many home
owners who bought at the height of the recent Real Estate boom and
might be behind on payments for some reason but cannot sell the
house for what it is worth either because of the market, or unaffordable
repairs. The investment manager of the company says “We
are so successful because we do not charge our customers for our
services; company gains are dependant on our ability to successfully
work with a home owner’s lender to reduce what they owe or
when they choose other options that require lender negotiations
from their profile of options.” The company is also creating
jobs by employing associates to cover certain areas and go out to
the home owner’s house to help and work through any paperwork.
a FREE analysis, you can go to their website at
or call their information line at (484) 685-0970
Details: Chris Larson
House Match LLC
343 Garden View Drive
Thorndale, PA 19372
(484) 636-8280

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