New Online Baby CPR Course Seeks to Reduce Child Deaths by Making
Training Accessible to Parents
on: July 14, 2008, 8:05 am
Release Author: HeartSaving
Release Summary: Babies and children die everyday from drowning,
choking, and suffocation. Many of these children's lives could
be saved if their parents would know CPR. The problem is that
parents don't have the time or money to take a traditional CPR

Solutions has a new Online Baby CPR course that makes these life-saving
lessons accessible to parents.
Release Body: A child chokes on a bite of hot dog. A toddler wanders
into the edge of a lake when the parents look away briefly. A
young one is found by a parent, unresponsive in a crib. All of
these children have something in common: they are all in life-threatening
good news is that CPR can save any of their lives if given in
time. The problem is that, by some accounts, less than 4% of parents
even know how to do CPR on their youngsters. It would be easy
to blame the parents, but these adults often have real hurdles
to taking CPR classes.
parents just do not have the $50 or more to spend on the class,
much less the cost of a babysitter for the hours spent taking
it. It is all they can do to feed, clothe, and house their child.
Other parents have trouble with transportation to get to classes
which may be held far from their homes. Time is also a factor
since parenting, by its nature, is a busy occupation.
Solutions has a new Online Baby CPR course that makes life-saving lessons accessible
to parents. The Internet based course is filled with videos and
audio, text information, and quizzes to help parents learn about
emergencies that can be resolved by CPR. HeartSaving Solutions
is a certified CPR First Aid training center.
can learn online easily. We have already proven the success of
our online instruction with our middle and high school CPR classes.
We offer the training at a very low price. Our mission with
is to drastically cut the number of child fatalities that can
be prevented by parents learning these techniques.”
Owner Keith Weaver explains about the new online
parents who have taken CPR classes before will be refreshed and
updated on new techniques. The automated external defibrillator
machine (AED) is one area of expertise nearly everyone can learn
from in the Online Baby
CPR course. Parents will also be glad to know ways
to prevent choking, drowning, and suffocation in the first place.
The course teaches CPR methods to help infants through children
of age 8.
8 bucks! You could have charged a lot more for this course. The
convenience alone makes it worth more like $20 or more. So full
of great info, too.” One parent remarks about the course.
training for parents is a must. HeartSaving Solutions’
new Online Baby CPR course
offers a practical option for parents to safeguard their children’s
lives. Parents have known how important CPR is; now they have
easy access to learn it, for the good of their children.
Details: Keith Weaver
HeartSaving Solutions
6356 138th Ave Ne #222
Redmond WA, 98052