“We Are The Heart Of America” --- a new breed of patriotic music is born


Released on: November 3, 2008, 9:32 am

Press Release Author: Carlton Schreiner

Industry: Entertainment

Press Release Summary: “We Are The Heart Of America” --- a new breed of patriotic music is born Until now, the mainstream music industry has not produced a great theme song that passionately and patriotically expresses what Americans of all parties must face about the 2008 election and its aftermath.

Press Release Body: “We Are The Heart Of America” --- a new breed of patriotic music is born Until now, the mainstream music industry has not produced a great theme song that passionately and patriotically expresses what Americans of all parties must face about the 2008 election and its aftermath. It is the truth that Barack Obama has always known. America must rise above fear and mudslinging, respect that we all love our country despite our differences, and work courageously together united in our common ground and core values. In so doing, we strengthen the heart of America. What else can save Her? Whatever the outcome of the election, the heart of America must be strengthened.

Just as the hymn, “Amazing Grace,” was humbly born “a cappella” through a repentant Calvinist minister for the benefit of his congregation, so it was that the fully arranged rock song, “We Are The Heart Of America”, was initially born through the simple acoustic guitar and voice of an unknown retired rocker for the benefit of fellow patriots who cared to listen. One day, when one of those listeners turned out to be hit songwriter Gary Wright’s son, Justin, everything changed quickly. Justin Wright, who had already placed one of his own rock songs in the Top 40, cleared his schedule in order to bring, “We Are The Heart Of America,” into full expression as an electric rock song. After the production received enthusiastic thumbs up from Gary Wright and music industry moguls in Nashville and Hollywood, attention was turned toward distribution. In a spirit of bipartisanship, the song was offered to both political parties and is now available at www.LoveistheCure.com

Carlton Schreiner is the composer and producer of the "Love Is The Cure" CD as well as "We Are The Heart Of America". He is currently writing a book that will link the lyrics in his songs and poems to what he has learned during 25 years as a consultant for thousands of people seeking to improve spiritual, psychological, and physical health. Carlton believes that patriotic love for one's country has a beneficial effect on overall health and should therefore never be questioned despite political differences.

Web Site: http://www.loveisthecure.com/hoa.html

Contact Details: Carlton Schreiner



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