The Inaugural Smile - Washington DC's Leading Cosmetic Dentists Offer a New Look for a New Administration

Released on: January 12, 2009, 4:34 am

Press Release Author: WSMI

Industry: Healthcare

Press Release Summary: Washington DC Cosmetic Dentists at The Washington Center for Dentistry offer patients amazing smile makeovers with inaugurals doings next week. Our cosmetic dentists use a combination of Art-Sculpt Veneers, BriteSmile, Invisalign and much more to create beautiful smiles for patients around the world.

Press Release Body: “The Inaugural Smile” A New Look for a New Administration

By Judith Sloan—WASHINGTON, DC—Contractors and political organizers are not the only workers spiffing up things around here for the big inaugural doings next week. It appears many people have been spiffing up their smiles for the new regime as well.

“Call it inaugural fever, but one patient who has been thinking about improving his smile for along time, was so excited about our new president coming to town that he decided now is the time to look his best for all the parties and celebrations he’s going to,” says Dr. Sherman H. Telis, of the Washington Center for Dentistry, who practices just a few blocks from The White House.

Here’s the rundown on the new smile:
• Our technician conducted a Britesmile whitening session to lighten all existing teeth.
• Our periodontist, Dr. Madjid Matin, reshaped the gum tissue around his front teeth to provide a graceful new smile line.
• Dr. Telis placed eight lustrous all-porcelain crowns to create an exquisite new smile.

“Now he’s happy to face the inauguration in 2009!,” says Dr. Telis.

And it appears inaugural fever reaches as far away as Moscow. From thousands of miles—but only a cyber-click away—our first new patient from that part of the world came here this week—for a complete smile makeover! She was certainly happy to be visiting during such a momentous time for our country.

“This beautiful young woman said she researched dentists all over the internet, and she felt instantly comfortable coming here to get the smile she always wanted,” says Dr. Daniel J. Deutsch, also of the Washington Center for Dentistry. “And being here this week is a bonus.”

Here is the rundown on her new smile:
• Our technician conducted a Britesmile whitening session to lighten the shade of the existing teeth.
• Dr. Rinaldi placed 10 beautiful all-porcelain veneers across the top of her smile.
• Dr. Deutsch placed 7 exquisite all-porcelain crowns and bridges to enhance and replace missing teeth on her lower arch.

The result: Two stunning new smiles that would befit any new administration.

Please visit to learn more and to schedule an appointment online or our main website at

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Contact Details: The Washington Center for Dentistry
1430 K St NW
8th Floor
Washington DC 20005
(202) 510-9024


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