Keeeb selected for IT-INNOVATION Summit 2019

New York City, USA, 2019-Feb-15 — /EPR Network/ — For the sixth time the jury of the IT-INNOVATION Summit invites innovative companies of the IT industry to present their innovations. This year the enterprise intelligence company Keeeb is selected to introduce its new solution.

The IT-INNOVATION Summit provides an exclusive platform for visionaries, pioneers, and future-shapers of the IT industry. In the course of this, selected companies of the IT industry get the chance to present their innovations in front of a top-class jury and a broad professional audience as well as to discuss about its opportunities and challenges with established decision makers of the IT industry.

In this year The New York- and Hamburg-based company Keeeb is selected to present its new Enterprise Intelligence Platform. With this platform Keeeb enables organizations for the first time to establish one continuous workflow for finding, curating, and collaborating knowledge without the need to move existing data or change user behavior:

  • Bundle data repositories in one unified platform: For the first time organizations can transform a simple Google search into a complex universal search that yields not only public knowledge, but personal, professional, and people knowledge that was previously beyond the reach of browsers (e.g. Salesforce, Box, SharePoint, OneDrive, Office 365, Confluence, third-party knowledge providers, individual systems).
  • Discover knowledge intuitively: Organizations are able to turn the cumbersome search process into an intuitive, automated knowledge discovery by integrating all knowledge bundled into familiar digital environments presenting it at the point of application where people are used to search.
  • Curate and collaborate knowledge efficiently: By making collecting, curating, sharing, and collaborating information with Keeeb easier and faster than ever before, organizations can significantly enhance their productivity and drive the flow of knowledge.

You would like to know more about Keeeb? Just contact us at +4940210914371 or!



Since 1997, with its conferences INKOP and SYSKOP FINAKI links IT decision makers of vendor and user companies. This network is also the basis for the IT-INNOVATION Summit.

From start-ups to medium-sized enterprises up to large corporations – the IT-INNOVATION Summit is the platform for visionaries and future shapers of the IT industry. For the sixth time the IT-INNOVATION Summit offers innovative companies the opportunity for discussing their innovations with established IT decision-makers.

After finishing an application process, every year selected companies are invited to convince the jury and the audience with a pitch of their IT innovation. Subsequently the best IT innovations are honored by the jury with the IT-INNOVATION award.



„A personal Google for everyone“ – The Wall Street Journal

Keeeb‘s Enterprise Intelligence Platform unleashes enterprise intelligence, maximizes the productivity and performance of employees, revolutionizes digital engagement with information, and accelerates commercial, social, and personal progress of organizations.

To this end, Keeeb connects all existing knowledge from public, personal, people, and professional sources in one unified platform, transforms the manual search into an intuitive, automated discovery by integrating knowledge into familiar digital environments presenting it at the point of application, and enhances workflow productivity by making collecting, curating, sharing, and collaborating knowledge easier and faster than ever before.



Maximilian Kirst
Phone: +49 40 2109143 71

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