Winner! Keeeb takes silver medal at IT-INNOVATION Summit 2019

Keeeb @ IT-INNOVATION Summit 2019 Keeeb @ IT-INNOVATION Summit 2019

USA, New York City, 2019-Mar-20 — /EPR Network/ — With its Enterprise Intelligence Platform Keeeb convinced everyone at this year’s IT-INNOVATION Summit in Germany: In the category “Business & Consumer” Keeeb won the second prize with its “personal Google for everyone”.

Maximilian Kirst, Business Development Manager at Keeeb, presented his five-minute pitch in front of a top-class jury and a broad professional audience of decision-makers and is pleased with the success: “This high ranking proofs again that we and our Enterprise Intelligence Platform deliver the key to more efficiency and productivity – keyword ‘If Siemens knew, what Siemens knows‘. Moreover, the numerous conversations with corporate representatives clearly confirmed that finding, curating, and sharing knowledge is the main factor of success for being one step ahead of competitors.”.


Find company knowledge directly with your Google search

Representatives of organizations using SharePoint showed keen interest in Keeeb’s Enterprise Intelligence Platform because it is able to display SharePoint search results directly on Google – prominently top right next to Google’s search results. With this, Keeeb delivers corporate knowledge where employees are used to search: on Google.

Thanks to the open interface also other data sources than SharePoint can be connected to the Keeeb platform, e.g. Salesforce, Office 365, Box, and Confluence. Beyond finding internal and external information easily and fast, Keeeb can do much more: The solution allows to collect and curate search results in a structured way and edit them intuitively within seconds.


Keeeb’s Enterprise Intelligence Platform – Overview of key aspects

Keeeb’s Enterprise Intelligence Platform enables organizations for the first time to establish one continuous workflow for finding, curating, and collaborating knowledge without the need to move existing data or change user behavior:

  • Bundle data repositories in one unified platform: For the first time organizations can transform a simple Google search into a complex universal search that yields not only public knowledge, but personal, professional, and people knowledge that was previously beyond the reach of browsers (e.g. Salesforce, Box, SharePoint, One-Drive, Office 365, Confluence, third-party knowledge providers, individual systems).
  • Discover knowledge intuitively: Organizations are able to turn the cumbersome search process into an intuitive, automated knowledge discovery by integrating all knowledge bundled into familiar digital environments presenting it at the point of application where people are used to search.
  • Curate and collaborate knowledge efficiently: By making collecting, curating, sharing, and collaborating information with Keeeb easier and faster than ever before, organizations can significantly enhance their productivity and drive the flow of knowledge.



“A personal Google for everyone” – The Wall Street Journal

Keeeb‘s Enterprise Intelligence Platform unleashes enterprise intelligence, maximizes the productivity and performance of employees, revolutionizes digital engagement with information, and accelerates commercial, social, and personal progress of organizations.

To this end, Keeeb connects all existing knowledge from public, personal, people, and professional sources in one unified platform, transforms the manual search into an intuitive, automated discovery by integrating knowledge into familiar digital environments presenting it at the point of application, and enhances workflow productivity by making collecting, curating, sharing, and collaborating knowledge easier and faster than ever before.



Maximilian Kirst
Phone: +49 40 2109143 71

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