New Book by Gloria Monaghan: False Spring

NEW YORK, 2019-Apr-11 — /EPR Network/ — ADELAIDE BOOKS is proud to offer the latest work by Gloria Monaghan False Spring hitting stores everywhere March 18th, 2019.

“In noticing the gentle detail, the human touch, Gloria Monaghan’s poems do not eschew the enrichment of a sumptuous word or academic allusion; neither do they break under the weight of those ornaments in moments of modest relatability, the poet asks familiar questions in pithy ways: How is it possible? What does it mean? Who walked away? When will I forget? Poetry that ignores people may be itself ignored; these poems do not ignore. These poems please.” -Zachary Bos, New England Review of Books

Gloria Monaghan is a Professor of Humanities at Wentworth Institute in Boston. She has published two books of poetry, Flawed (Finishing Line Press, 2011, nominated for the Massachusetts Book Award) and The Garden (Flutter Press 2015). Her poem “Into Grace” won the 2018 Adelaide Voices Poetry Award. Her poems have appeared in Adelaide, the Aurorean, Aries, Blue Max Review, Fox Chase, 2River, and Underground Writer’s Association, among others.

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