Bernie Leroux releases new album ‘Empty Sounds’

NEWFOUNDLAND, Canada,2019-Jul-18 — /EPR Network/ — The songwriter and producer of modern folk and blues music known as Bernie Leroux has released his latest official album, “Empty Sounds.” The album contains 10 original Bernie Leroux tracks for an approximate total listening time of 35 minutes. It has been proudly published as an independent release without the involvement of the corporate music industry. A little pop, a little rock, and bearing trappings of folk, country and adult contemporary music, “Empty Sounds” showcases Bernie Leroux as a moving, narrative rock musician and promises that he has plenty more where that came from.

Newfoundland, Canada’s Bernie Leroux cites as main artistic influences John Prine, Kris Kristoffersen, Carlos Santana, and Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour. Leroux’s own sound takes elements from each of these and adds a strong undercurrent of intimacy and earnestness for a rare and moving result. With an emphasis on groove, narration and a natural, unassuming poetry, “Empty Sounds” by Bernie Leroux brings a variety of qualities to the ear.

Asked to describe the overall meaning of “Empty Sounds,” Bernie Leroux writes to listeners directly, saying, “This album is a collection of real-life experiences put to music I hope everyone can appreciate. I really do hope that listeners will pay attention to the meaning of the lyrics and get something from them. I am quite sure most of us can relate to what I am expressing in these songs. Please enjoy.”

Leroux’s themes on “Empty Sounds” are anything but. They include personal tracks such as one dedicated to his mother and father, and one about surviving a black period in his life which ultimately reinforces his songwriting craft. More frequently his songs turn outward to themes of nature and the struggles of others. These include a track about ecology and climate change, the devastating burning of Fort McMurray in Alberta, and the title track, which is about one of Canada’s First Nations.

The title track, ‘Empty Sounds,’” writes Bernie Leroux, “is about the native Miꞌkmaq peoples of Newfoundland who were ignored in the Canadian Constitution. Hence, ’empty sounds,’ the silent whispers of the people, people talking without anyone hearing a word. It painted faces in my mind.”

In addition to the considerable skills of Leroux, himself, “Empty Sounds” also bears the talents of Randy Lewis, Christian Andersen, and Brandon Hopkins of High Point Audio studios.

Empty Sounds” by Bernie Leroux is available from over 600 quality digital music stores online worldwide now. Get in early, indie music fans.

-S. McCauley

Lead Press Release Writer

Empty Sounds” by Bernie Leroux –

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