Chemistry 2020- Conference of the bright minds discussing the New Implementations about Complete Chemistry and Pharma Sectors

Chemistry 2020 Exploring the deeper levels of Chemistry towards a Healthier life

Barcelona, Spain, 2020-Mar-13 — /EPR Network/ — AAC takes a pride to announce the 11th World Congress on Chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry -Chemistry 2020 on September 02-03, 2020 at Barcelona, Spain.

A Gathering of Chemistry Professionals to discover the Latest trends in chemistry Concerned with a theme- Exploring the deeper levels of Chemistry towards a Healthier life, our speakers and participants avail chances to learn and share their unique ideas and knowledge among their global peers.

The Expert Organizing Committee of the Conference will be established by a group of senior and most esteemed Scientists, Senior Researchers and Editor Associates, reviewing the abstracts and profiles of the participants in order to maintain the outstanding quality towards the conference from the past 10 editions.

Who Should Attend??

  • Chemistry Associations
  • Chemists & Pharmacists
  • Deans & Senior Lecturers
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Health-care Scientists & Researchers
  • Laboratories & Lab Techies
  • Medicinal Chemists & Pharmacists
  • Post-doctoral & Students
  • Professors & Associates

Chemistry 2020 is a two-day Conference which Comprises with Oral and Poster Presentations, Keynote Presentations, Video/E-Poster Presentations, Workshops, Debates and Networking Sessions will be performed in the beautiful city of Barcelona, Spain on 02-03, September, 2020, which will be assembling all the Chemists, Pharmacists & Academic professionals in One Platform.

Chemistry 2020 is majorly driven by the topics from the below tracks:

Medicinal ChemistryAnalytical & Bio analytical Chemistry
Drug Discovery & DevelopmentEnvironmental & Green Chemistry
Biochemistry & Chemical BiologyFood Chemistry & Nutrition
Pharmaceutical ChemistryAgricultural Chemistry
Forensic & Clinical ChemistryOil & Petroleum Chemistry
Neuroscience & NeurochemistryNuclear Chemistry
Organic and Bio-organic ChemistryPolymer Chemistry
Inorganic ChemistryElectro Chemistry
Physical & Theoretical ChemistryMarine & Geo Chemistry
Mass Spectroscopy & ChromatographyComputational Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Nanoscience & Material ChemistryIndustrial Chemistry & Chemical Waste

Aspiring speakers and researchers may submit their scientific proposal to and the accepted abstracts would be published in International Journal of Pharmaceutical Chemistry & Chemical Science and as well as in conference proceedings.

Moreover, slots have also been opened for exhibitors and seminars. Making the most of the Early Bird Registration advantages as extended until June 02, 2020. For all registrations, please visit https:/ or send an email to or for any information regarding the conference and accommodations.

Felis Marcus | Program Manager
Chemistry 2020
+44 203 769 1755

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