RVD Tutors: The new age of digital learning in India

RVD Tutors: The new age of digital learning in India

RVD Tutors: The new age of digital learning in India

Mumbai, India, 2020-Nov-24 — /EPR Network/ — The idea of home tuitions is an old one. It goes back more than just a couple of decades. People have been seeking supplementary tutoring for a long time, and not just in India but in a lot of countries all over the world. Home tutoring was the only source of teaching for a long time in Europe before formal schooling. ‘CBSE home tutor near me’ is still a trending keyword on Google.

Home tutors have gained a lot of traction in the past two decades in India, especially CBSE home tutors in Mumbai. This is primarily because of the rise in STEM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics) fields in India. Relatively more challenging, students and their parents think that schools are inadequate in providing all the training needed to crack the entrance exams for these fields.

A lot of people have recognized this as an opportunity to gain capital. They have set up tuition that charges a hefty amount without offering the quality education they promised. This leaves the students not only financially stuck down but also demotivated.

RDV Tutors, a Mumbai based digital home tuitions agency, has decided to take up this challenge. It is a digital platform for home tutors in Mumbai. The company provides a digital platform where students can connect with their teachers and learn in the comfort of their homes. The company CEO stated, “Education is the only way to gain a peaceful life. So why can’t get an education to be a peaceful process too?”

The company covers SSC, HSC, IGCSE, CBSE, ICSE, and other boards as well. They also provide personalized sessions for NEET and JEE aspirants. It offers the option of booking a home tutor. The tutor can be selected for any nationally recognized board from 8th-grade up to 12th-grade. Only commerce and science streams are available for 11th and 12th grade. Subjects like Marathi, Sanskrit, and French are also tutored.

RVD Tutors have a firm belief in improvement. The CEO stated, “Our education system lacks any credibility because it has not seen any improvements in the past 50 years. We understand the need for change and strive to improve every time”. This statement is backed by the extensive video-wise doubt solving lectures, live chat box, face to face doubt solving workshops, monthly exams provided on their website. They also have a personalized feedback and analysis system that acts as a rigorous quality control system.

With the technological improvements we have seen and the rise of fast internet everything is going online and home tutors are no different. It seems likely that the tuition sector will eventually go online. And those who stick with their traditional ways will eventually perish. Not good news for the tutoring agencies, but very pleasing for the students. Maybe it is about time that the tide turns in the favor of the weak.

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