AUSTIN, Texas, 2021-Dec-02 — /EPR Network/ — A cadre of 1,000 ‘micropreneurs’ just got a leg up on their big business competitors thanks to the launch of the world’s first egalitarian blockchain marketplace. Texas startup, Blockchain Ecosystem and Exchange, Inc., through its new Healthcare Exchange (HSX), announced today its medical marketplace is now live and supported by CrowdPoint Technologies, Inc.

These micropreneurs are distributors of medical products who benefit from the shared services offered by HSX, which include: a Wix-style development tool for building highly secure digital apps (dApps) on CrowdPoint’s proprietary blockchain; a steady stream of highly targeted leads, driven by predefined customer profiles and ever-evolving predictive models; and a built-in customer relationship management (CRM) system that leverages a combination of historical and real-time data.

Buyers on the platform are Members who first authorize their own decentralized ID, a critical component of the architecture. The buying habits and product needs of the Members, whether stated explicitly or determined by AI-powered predictions, are packaged into non-fungible tokens (NFT), that amount to masked digital twins of the Members. This ensures privacy, but also enables significant awareness of both supply and demand within the marketplace.

Every transaction in the marketplace is persisted on the blockchain as a smart contract via microservices. The metadata of these transactions feeds the real-time CRM which in turn provides dynamic insights and alerts to both buyers and sellers. That’s a key factor which enables a consistent stream of quality leads, and is a stark contrast to traditional marketing efforts that rely heavily on spam and robocalls.

This approach tends to foster several key benefits, including a lowered cost of sale, expedited prospect acquisition (Sales Qualified Leads), higher close ratios for sellers, and thus overall greater efficiency in the end-to-end process of eCommerce. By reducing noise and friction, the marketplace allows participants to focus more on value-adding activities like new product design and community building.

The ‘egalitarian’ component comes into play for two main reasons: First, all buyers and sellers operate within the same transparent environment. Second, every time an NFT participates in a transaction, that member is rewarded with a commission or fee, depending upon the nature of the smart contract. Egalitarianism is a school of thought within philosophy that embraces the concept of social equality.

“The Marketplace on the Healthcare Exchange is a special endeavor for the Blockchain Ecosystem”, said Heidi Huff, VP of Products of CrowdPoint Technologies. “The Ambassadors, Distributors and Resellers in this marketplace have helped to shape the strategy of our Blockchain Ecosystem and we are excited to announce this launch”.

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