Grave news : ‘Gravers: what bonds old bones, Journey through cemeteries, crypts, catacombs, churchyards and burial grounds of London’, ISBN 9781917579001

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM, 2024-Dec-08 — /EPR Network/ — Lande Jewels is excited to
announce the publication of ‘Gravers: what bonds old bones, Journey through cemeteries, crypts, catacombs, churchyards and burial grounds of London’, ISBN 9781917579001 by Lande Jewels.

‘Gravers’ takes the reader through burial traditions of pre-Roman London, Londinium, Lundenwic and the modern Big Smoke. The practice of using collective barrows, chamber tombs, ring ditches, cremation pyres, catacombs, crypts, cemeteries and crematoriums is eloquently related through illustrated, artfully crafted verse makes accessible and lightens otherwise somber subject.

Author: Lande Jewels
Format: ebook, Hardcover
Publication Date: Hardcover 15th of October 2024
Pages: 80
RPR: Hardcover £19.99
Hardcover is available through author website and distributors.

Ebook is available via Amazon
Early Review: “Lande Jewels approaches a topic none of us can ignore, nor escape, and portrays it sensitively, bringing much knowledge and history to light, leaving us dreading less, and understanding more, the rituals surrounding this universal topic, reassuringly reminding us also of the unbroken circle of life, where the veil thins, and visitors and deceased share space with each other in the devoted grounds, consecrated, or not”. Goodreads

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