February 12, 2013, 9:00 am -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Train Aid Ltd is set to launch its popular range of paediatric first aid courses in a new Location within London. The new open course will be held in Highgate (North London) and will run alongside the ever popular Selhurst (South London) course. The first instalment of the new training course will start on Saturday March 2nd and finish on Saturday March 9th 2013. The training follows government guidelines and covers child workers to administer first aid treatment. This latest edition from Train Aid should enable more candidates to access affordable training. Currently many child workers living in North London have been cut off by long journey times and the associated costs.
The move has been partly initiated because of the overwhelming response of its South London equivalent. The training appears to be pitched at an affordable price that many nannies, nursery workers and carers feel they can afford. The course appears to sell out each week, and has received good reviews. The only negative is that some candidates have complained about having to make long journeys South of the River.
This latest open course could well enable more candidates to access Train Aid’s portfolio of paediatric first aid courses. Those who live in North London may now feel more suited to the training, and this could extend as far out as the Northern Home Counties. The knock on effect could be lower journey times, reduced costs and more free time for the thousands of childcare workers who live north of the river. The venue is accessible from any part of London, and even connects to London Bridge, which is a major transport hub for the capital.
This latest edition to the line-up will run over two consecutive weekends, starting on the first Saturday in March. Courses like these suit childcare workers who are busy at work during the week, and only get free time at the weekends. Weekday courses potentially restrict these workers, and can cause them to lose valuable holiday time. Train Aid’s Ellie Hayward was available to give her own thoughts on the matter:
“This latest move makes sense as I myself know that many people were travelling long distances to our courses. It seemed a bit unnecessary as the company also has a presence in North London. I am glad there is now a course running monthly in North London and expect it to prove as popular as the others”.
Overall this latest training edition should add competition to the marketplace, which should help consumers and lower their costs.
Contact Details: 32 Somers Road, Reigate, Surrey, 01737556434, info@train-aid.co.uk, http://www.train-aid.co.uk