Nina Maria releases new LP record ‘Roll the Dice’

LONG BEACH, Calif., 2016-May-20 — /EPR Network/ — The rapper and songwriter known as Nina Maria has released a new LP hip hop album, “Roll the Dice.” The record has been proudly published on the Coinxiding Arts Entertainment independent music label outside the direction and control of the corporate music industry. It contains 30 original tracks for a grand total of two hours and 20 minutes’ worth of freestyle hip hop. Remarkably creative, evocative, and introspective, “Roll the Dice” by Nina Maria is a record unlike any other.

Nina Maria cites as main artistic influences Lil Flip, Mobb Deep, and Celly Cell. Her own “Roll the Dice” album is unlike these, however, and indeed unlike most rap artists’ work, in that all of her recorded tracks are freestyle. Maria’s ability to do this is perhaps not surprising in light of her high-school GPA of 5.0.

Often rapping about her life and perspectives about the world at large, Nina Maria is one of the most heartfelt and genuine artists in rap music today.

“I just hope y’all like the music,” writes Nina Maria. “I haven’t had musical training since elementary school. And I didn’t even practice then. So I play by ear any instrument I hold. It’s my soul… And I freestyle all or most of my music, cuz new is never old.”

Even besides her ability to publish a freestyle-rap record more than two hours long, Nina Maria is an exceptional human being. Among her experiences include a tour with the United States Marine Corps as a small-computer systems specialist, an abusive relationship, a nervous breakdown, and suffering from schizoaffective disorder.

Maria’s luck turned far worse when she stopped taking her medication and became homeless. She bounced around St. Louis homeless shelters but became increasingly ill without her medicine. Eventually she was so sick, she was misidentified as the culprit of a shooting in the area. Up against 30 years, she took a four-year plea bargain and did two years inside, two years parole.

“By God’s grace, He got me back to Eolia, Missouri,” writes Maria.

She would later perform, record and publish four digital music records. “Roll the Dice” is only the newest. A common theme of these records are the trials and complications of having been born a hermaphrodite, and Maria’s ongoing success as a transgender woman.

“When I just had a CD Walkman,” Maria says, “I would pray and give thanks that even though I walk through the valley of death, He comforts and protects me.”

“Roll the Dice” by Nina Maria is available now at over 700 digital music outlets online worldwide.

-S. McCauley
Lead Press Release Writer

“Roll the Dice” by Nina Maria –

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