MAD Vids Launches To Close the Advertiser to Publisher Gap and Streamline In-App Video

The Mobile Advertising Video System combines many of the best methodologies from the mobile advertising enterprise under one comprehensive system to make sure the right message, gets to the right customer, at the right time.

Colorado Springs, Colorado, 2016-May-23 — /EPR Network/ — MAD Vids simplifies the over complicated state of the video ad tech industry while tackling the consumer ‘time’ acceptance problem of mobile ads. With new technologies and the world moving at a quicker pace, consumers simply don’t have the appetite or attention to sit through long ads and apps are looking for better ROI for ad tech utilization. The ad tech market is bloated selling ads to each other so that by the time the ad gets to the publisher, revenues are dismal. Solutions to both of these issues can be addressed in two parts.

a) through ads being incorporated seamlessly into app content in a manner that is natural and tolerable without obstructing app functionality

b) having apps and ads matched under one cohesive architecture or service

“Ad tech needs to do better than bugging people with crafty popups and forcing people to wait through buffering ad roll videos. A better balance of human factors and technology advancement is needed to keep up with apps and viewers.” – Benjamin Henderson, MAD Vids cofounder on the frustration of mobile ads. 

The MAD Vids Strategy:

The inherent solution is to do more of what customers want and apps need. Keep ads short, fast, and relevant while connecting ads to apps under one service to maximize revenue. This means minimizing middleware services to reduce the hemorrhage of passed down costs. MAD Vids combines select portions of the ad tech market into a simple single service solution. This increases transparency and takes care of apps with reasonable payouts which are prime goals of the service. This is accomplished by giving apps more involvement in the ad to app matching process while earning a flat rate from the number of views before, not after, the overhead is extracted. For additional customer focus MAD Vids specializes in micro mobile advertising videos embedded directly into the applications themselves and viewed multiple times for persistence. This is not new, but these videos are short enough that they can be played during splash screen or loading sequences similar to YouTube’s announcement to have 6 second bumper ads. MAD Vids is targeting videos in the 5-8 second range so advertisers can reuse their YouTube bumper ads on their service.

The select niche of short video ads was chosen specifically to accommodate the consumer, publisher and advertiser. According to studies all three prefer video ads to static, and short means higher viewability and embedded means instant. A few additional insights into the nuances of the service is that these embedded ads can be viewed up to five times per app sync to allow for persistence of the message before being swapped out. With three ads behind each app it allows for variety as well. This coupled the app having a say in the displayed ad content through categorizing both the ad and app genres, then targeting through geo-location allows for messages maximum impact. Now services no longer need to track the individual consumer but track the app alone. This  is to have the message be consumer friendly therefore not driving them from using the app due to ad tech shortfalls.

Background on the mobile advertising market:

Mobile advertising is going to continue to be the fastest growing market venue with video ads providing the greatest turnover for clickthrough as well as branding. Video allows for more information to be transferred from vendor to consumer in the least amounts of time while providing the greatest message impact. Forecasts indicate that mobile video will be the biggest driver of ad spend over the next few years.  Advertisers are eating up video ad spots as viewership explodes on mobile devices. Some sources predict that mobile video ad revenue will increase by more than 600% from a 1 billion dollars in mobile video ad spend in 2015 to more than 6 billion in 2020.

Key takeaways from Business Insider’s Digital Video Advertising Report:
1. Video ads perform better than standard display ad units. In-stream video ads, including ads that play at the start, during, and after video content, yielded click-through rates (CTRs) that were 18x higher than HTML5 banner ad units in February 2015, according to Google’s Rich Media Gallery.
2. Video’s premium status within digital is reflected in the format’s high prices. Video ads tend to cost significantly more (e.g., 2x or 3x) than non-video ad units on premium publishers like Vice and Instagram. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter have all introduced new digital-video ad products. Social video offers several major advantages from an advertiser perspective, including huge built-in mobile audiences, advanced targeting, and native-style ad units.
3. But despite their high prices and strong results, video ads create a special set of challenges around viewability.

For more information on the current state of the industry can be seen: 

  • Ad Week’s “7 Big Challenges That Threaten Mobile Advertising’s Meteoric Growth” 
  • eMarketer’s “Consumers Frustrated by Stalling Mobile Video Ads”

MAD Vids Summary of services – combining what works under one service:

– Application embedded full motion video micro commercials as these have the highest customer tolerance, play offline, and are non-skippable. Embedded may counter many ad blockers as well.

– Targets customers through app content demographics to get the right message to the right customer at the right time.

– Persistence. Get customer saturation through messages that are viewed multiple times before swapping to ingrain the message without becoming stale.

– Geo-location based priority advertising for tailoring commercials to the right customer demographic. This also opens the door to micro geo-location advertising so small businesses can benefit by getting the message only to customers in their local area.

– Anyone with a camera and $25 dollars can start their own micro video advertising campaign.

For further details or information email or visit

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