Lisbon, Portugal, 2018-Jul-03 — /EPR Network/ — Art Galaxie will launch on the 3rd of ­­July an innovative website, an Art Portal with hundreds of pages, completely refurbished with an outstanding web design, built with cutting-edge technology, along with top-notch video and 3D animation. A deep pleasure for the senses or for any art lover.

An innovative platform filled with products and services and a wide array of qualified professionals with the benchmark quality of Art Galaxie. A breathtaking Art Portal, where Fine Arts are valued in all their aspects. It’s not only about dissemination of art, but also an unevaluable plethora of services and stores for artists, gallery owners and the general public. A mandatory location, a sanctuary for every art lover. After all, their motto is: Present to the Public amazing Artists and present to the Artists an amazing Public.

Pedro Boaventura, the founder of Art Galaxie, said that he is pleased and grateful for this important step: “… after five years of existence and hard work, Art Galaxie has achieved a key milestone towards its objectives:

The implementation of various programs, products and services that provide artists with good profits. This extra income can either be originated from the sale of his artwork, through commissioned artworks or rendering of his services. In addition, there are effortless forms of income that can be obtained through partnerships, artist representation or even Affiliate Programs.

Another added value is the fact that we provide artists and galleries with a range of professional services, which is a valuable aid in the promotion and sale of works. It is an extensive network that streamlines and facilitates the contact between artists, galleries and the public in general.

One that, in addition to depicting the massive commitment of every professional involved, also reveals an untiring quest for creativity and perfection. It’s quite remarkable how the love for Art, along with technology, keeps surprising us with fantastic results…”.


This Art Portal has the ability to help great artists with their promotion, offering products and high-quality tailored services. Therefore, the Artist can either turn to Art Galaxie for its services or sell his own skills to Art Galaxie or the general public. A healthy symbiosis where everyone wins. On top of that, one can earn money on auto pilot mode through the Affiliate Program. Everything for the sake of Artists and Art.

In their Art of Giving programs and social solidarity, AG goes even further and offers free services and products to artists and social organizations. This philanthropic and voluntary trait has been a trademark of AG since its foundation, one of the organizations’ cornerstones.

In addition to the publisher established five years ago, AG is now ready to open a new chain of stores that allow to sell and buy original artworks, art reproductions, giclée’s with print museum-quality, gifts and art materials. An extremely important chain of stores that not only helps in promotional efforts, but also generates extra income for artists and future Art Galaxie projects. All providing the public with great artistic products of excellent originality and creativity.

Art Galaxie, Lda                                                                                             
Av. do Atlântico nº 16 – 14º Piso
Escritório 8
Lisbon – Portugal

Contact: Pedro Boaventura
Phone: +974 33599879

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