Dipentaerythritol Market Displays Future Status of Leading Manufacturers during 2019-2027

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This Fact.MR report offers a detailed forecast of the dipentaerythritol market for the period between 2019 and 2027. Most influential dynamics in the dipentaerythritol market have been highlighted and their degree of intensity of impact on the market growth has been assessed. Macro- and microeconomic factors affecting growth of the dipentaerythritol market have also been identified and analyzed in the report. This report gives holistic insights on the dipentaerythritol market, to enable its readers to make fact-based business decisions and devise appropriate strategies for their future directions.

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Dipentaerythritol Market – Key Insights

  • Worldwide volume sales of dipentaerythritol recorded a sluggish growth at 5% CAGR between 2013 and 2018. However, this chemical by-product is expected to witness a sustained demand across industry verticals in light of its hydrophobic nature.
  • Industry grade dipentaerythritol is expected to hold bulk shares of the market, despite relative faster growth estimated for sales of technical grade variant. Industry grade dipentaerythritol sales are expected to register a Y-o-Y growth at 2.7% in 2019 over 2018.
  • Asia-Pacific excluding Japan continues to gain significance as the most lucrative landscape for growth of the dipentaerythritol market, with industry players across domains such as paints & coatings and cosmetics leveraging the latent opportunities in the region.
  • APEJ will also retain its position as the fastest-growing market for dipentaerythritol, with volume sales in the region estimated at over 4.0% through 2028.

What are Key Growth Drivers of the Dipentaerythritol Market?

  • Dipentaerythritol continues to witness a significant demand from alkyd paint producers, as the trend toward adoption of these paints in commercial as well as residential construction takes a paradigm shift from being ephemeral to pervasive
  • Constant new product development activities being carried out in line with notably rising significance of new applications such as explosives and flame retardant products, will continue to create new growth opportunities for the dipentaerythritol market
  • Dipentaerythritol market growth will also remain sustained by adoption of this chemical derivative as a sustainable alternative to electrically transformed fluids, in light of their water resistance and biodegradable properties
  • Demand for dipentaerythritol will remain high in formulation of mixtures and key packaging processes, along with their lucrativeness in the production of plastic products
  • The advent of innovative uses of dipentaerythritol, such as a key agent in the management and treatment of heart diseases, as it deprives side-effects associated with conventional drugs, further undergirds growth of the dipentaerythritol market
  • Resurgent growth in the construction industry worldwide, coupled with focus of governments on infrastructure development, which entails demand for paints & coatings, will uphold growth of the dipentaerythritol market

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Growing Palpability of Thin Film Intumescent Coatings

Thin film intumescent coatings continue to gain significance as a key solution for protecting structural steel. Dipentaerythritol is an essential agent for accomplishing intumescence in thin film coatings. This, coupled with the ability of thin film intumescent coatings to offer a passive yet cost-effective fire protection, and maintain aesthetic qualities of steel, continues to favor growth of the dipentaerythritol market. Additionally, use of this chemical derivative in new resin binder formulations, which play an integral role in intumescent coatings, will significantly underpin growth of the dipentaerythritol market in the foreseeable future. Intumescent coatings are a perfect solution to contradictions arising from considerations given to safety aspects of construction vis-à-vis modern & ornate architectural designs.

Thermoplastic Polyacetals – Potential Opportunity Area for Dipentaerythritol Manufacturers

Easy accessibility and abundant availability of several building blocks from the renewable resources, coupled with their good degradation properties, have sparked a marked interest in the development of polyacetals (polycycloacetals). While polymers having non-cyclic acetal units represent good degradation and soluble properties, polyacetals have been witnessed to be exactly the opposite. Chemical scientists across the globe have continuously studied the benefits of direct polyacetalization, trailed by polymerization of monomers that contain acetal units. The resulting thermoplastic polyacetals have been associated with a combination of excellent properties, degradation capability, and potential for renewable sourcing. This has further adhered the interest of dipentaerythritol manufacturers as a key opportunity area of growth, which in turn is likely to pave lucrative avenues for expansion of the dipentaerythritol market in the near future.

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