Eternal Lawns February Update 2022

Leeds, UK, 2022-Apr-05 — /EPR Network/ — Eternal lawns have had a very busy February 2022.


Lee Grayshon MD at Eternal comments.


‘The mild weather during the Month has allowed Eternal Lawns to carry on from last month to have a very good Month of new installations.


The installation of our 40MM Excellence artificial grass has carried on flowing in an abundance to many domestic customers within Yorkshire.


New installations of our 40mm Excellence and 30mm Superior, continue to be provided through Yorkshire and in particular this Month we enjoyed a good share of installations in Halifax, Bradford and Pontefract. Installations within surrounding areas, through York, Bradford, Leeds and Huddersfield all remain very active. Spring is proving to be an exceptional season for Eternal Lawns’.



For further information contact:-

Lee Grayshon


Bruntcliffe Road,



LS27 0LF

Ph: 01133 200801


Email: info@eternallawns


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