Avoid Google Penalties and Improve Your SEO with the Best SEO Company in Dubai

Dubai, UAE, 2022-Apr-05 — /EPR Network/ — It’s 2022 and businesses have realized the importance of having an official website and ranking it on Google more than ever before.
If you are running a business in UAE or any other corporate hub for that matter, a strong presence on Google’s first page has become extremely essential for the success and growth of your business.
On other hand, receiving a penalty from Google will decrease your search rankings and organic traffic, eventually affecting your reputation and business. So, how can you avoid the risks at all costs? Seeking professional guidance from the best SEO company in Dubai would be a wise idea.
A Brief on Google Penalty
Many people often get confused between Google penalties and Google algorithm updates. The penalty is a manual action taken by Google if your website has disobeyed the guidelines of the Google webmaster. While on the other hand, algorithm updates have a direct impact on how Google search results will work.
Wondering why does it matter? Google ranks every website based on its relevance and popularity. More popular websites always rank higher than the less famous ones because Google ranks their content based on relevancy and usefulness. Most websites generate organic traffic when internet users are liking their content and sharing that with more and more people. That is why, leading SEO services in Dubai always focus on creating valuable, and informative content that serves a larger number of people out there.
But there comes the time when some black hat SEO practitioners manipulate the search index by some certain SEO tactic that is against the algorithms. They want to achieve a higher rank with some shortcuts like unethical practices. That’s when Google imposes a penalty on those websites. This is the reason why the best SEO company in Dubai always avoids the black-hat techniques.
Why Should You Bother About Getting Penalised by Google?
Always keep one thing in mind Google doesn’t discriminate before imposing a penalty. No matter how well-established, large, or successful your company is, when you don’t follow Google’s guidelines, the penalties will drastically ruin your search engine rankings. Therefore, be careful when you are outsourcing services from an SEO agency in Dubai and always choose the best one operating out there.
12 Ways You Can Avoid the Penalties in 2022
Wondering how can you avoid getting penalized by Google? Here are twelve useful key takeaways for you:
- Never Buy Links
The best SEO services in Dubai are strictly against buying links because the search engine giant knows no mercy. Surely, companies that sell links have a tempting sales pitch, a bunch of flashy jargon but don’t fall for it. Buying paid links will get you in trouble eventually. Plus, never believe that those links are undetectable.
- Never Upload Poorly Written Content with No Depth
Google’s most recent algorithm, BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) has proven that it can now understand the content even better than humans. The update has been created with the intent to best understand language. Google is gradually rolling out this new feature to affect more and more LIVE websites. Hence, it is clear that using shallow content on your website will only lead you to penalties. Therefore, rely on the best SEO company in Dubai that also provide well-written, in-depth content marketing services.
- Never Stuff Your Content With Keywords
No matter how many online guides and articles are there to talk about maintaining the proper density of keywords while writing SEO-friendly content. Black-hat practitioners will still stuff their write-ups with as many keywords as possible. Any popular agency providing SEO services in Dubai will tell you that keyword stuffing is probably the biggest reason why your digital marketing efforts go wrong. For your information, Google has been actively penalizing the websites that follow this practice for more than a decade. The updated search engine algorithms better understand when your content doesn’t flow naturally and use the key phrases irrelevantly just to rank higher in the search result pages.
Hence, the best SEO agency Dubai always maintains the rule of thumb- 1%-3% keyword density for any content going LIVE on any website.
- Never Copy Content from Another Website
Creating quality content with thorough research and detailed proofreading takes time. For a super busy entrepreneur like you, it is not possible to take out the time and write content. That is why the best SEO services in Dubai are there to help you with original, well-researched, and creative content writing services. Always remember, that Google takes duplicate content very seriously. It not only includes copying content from another website but also posting your own website’s content on multiple websites.
- Don’t Include Ads that Make Your Website Hard to Navigate
Google’s unique page layout algorithm is designed to detect websites and pages that are highly cluttered with ads. Sifting past so many ads always frustrates your site visitors as they can’t get the information they want. Google has categorized these websites as the top-heavy ones. The best SEO company in Dubai always stays away from stuffing a website with too much content which will overwhelm the users. As a result, it will also increase your website’s bounce rate because most users will leave your page.
- Your URLs are for Humans, Not Search Engines
It’s been quite a long since the SEO services in Dubai have shifted their focus on creating quality content that is more effective and valuable to the readers than being technically structured to climb the search engine rankings. Therefore, you must create your website’s URLs in a concise, and clear way so that the users can read them and understand exactly what the page contains. While you can use your keywords or phrases in the URL, it needs to match the content inside the page and make the searcher’s life easier. If you write your URL just to attract traffic and Google ranking without offering any valuable information, be ready to get penalized by Google.
- Hidden Contents are a BIG no
These days, Google has started loving transparent websites. So, the algorithms won’t take it adequately if you hide content and trick them into ranking your page better. There are SEO experts who hide their content by matching the text color with that of the page’s background color. Buy the best SEO agency in Dubai knows that it doesn’t work when you want to play smart with Google. Therefore, the expert team believes in being as transparent as possible and hence creates and promotes high-quality content only.
- Never Spam Links from Other Websites
Have you ever heard about link spamming? You can avoid Google penalties by staying away from this practice. Many agencies, without the detailed knowledge of upgraded algorithms and SEO rules, still follow this practice. It is when you pick up a website with a good rank and excellent online reputation and interlink that with your website (either manually or with the help of an automated platform). It won’t make your SEO stronger but Google will spam your website down with a ban.
- Establish Yourself as a Legitimate, Trusted Business
Google wants to provide all their searchers with a great experience as almost 80% of internet users rely on Google as their favorite search engine. That is why Google always wants to ensure that its listings are relevant to exactly what the searchers are looking for.
Here comes the best SEO services in Dubai to make sure that your website provides a seamless, high-quality customer experience. The expert team always focuses on increasing your website’s ranking besides reducing your chances of getting penalized by the mega-search giant.
- Don’t Practice Cloaking
Some SEO practitioners often try to trick Google’s algorithm by attempting cloaking. This black-hat SEO tactic doesn’t show the same website to the search engine and the human searchers. The SEO executives often use sneaky redirect links to make this possible. But, Google doesn’t want its users to click on a link thinking they will find what they are searching for, only to end up on an irrelevant website. That is why the best SEO company in Dubai never falls for using such shortcut tricks when it comes to showing you the result.
- Don’t Collaborate with A Hacked Website
Hacking has always been a big issue! That is why Google’s spider bots are there to detect a hacked website. A warning like “this site has been hacked” might be a bigger consequence than losing some search ranking traction!
- Don’t Ignore the Presence of Harmful Inbound Links
An inbound link is created when a website is flagged as hazardous, such as spam sites or sites with questionable text links to your site. Google will investigate your website carefully after discovering this link on this low-quality, flagged domain.
Make sure that you’re keeping track of all the links that third-party sites send your way by utilizing Google Search Console or third-party monitoring service. If you’re not sure if an inbound link is spammy, you can consult one of the leading SEO services in Dubai
Avoid a Google Search Penalty with The Best SEO Company in Dubai
Every month, Google issues hundreds of thousands of penalties. Many of them could have been prevented if only the right people had been in charge. Keep in mind that Google penalties are completely preventable. It’s as simple as understanding the regulations that lead to penalties and how to avoid them.